Craig Nelson offers ten lesser-known facts about the first human moon landing:
6. The "one small step for man" wasn’t actually that small. Armstrong set the ship down so gently that its shock absorbers didn’t compress. He had to hop 3.5 feet from the Eagle’s ladder to the surface.
7. When Buzz Aldrin joined Armstrong on the surface, he had to make sure not to lock the Eagle's door because there was no outer handle.
8. The toughest moonwalk task? Planting the flag. NASA’s studies suggested that the lunar soil was soft, but Armstrong and Aldrin found the surface to be a thin wisp of dust over hard rock. They managed to drive the flagpole a few inches into the ground and film it for broadcast, and then took care not to accidentally knock it over.
Comments (12)
sorry some one had to say it..
But it was not until I read the book "Chariots for Apollo" that I learned there was a dangerous moment just after they landed.
A pressure line had gotten blocked with frozen propellant, and the tank pressure was building up after the landing. The engineers watching that reading thought they were less than 30 seconds from the landing stage exploding. They were screaming "Get them off the Moon now!" to try to convince flight control to tell Armstrong and Aldrin to launch the ascent stage. But then the blocked line cleared, and the pressure dropped. The mission proceeded as planned. No mention about the problem came out until a long time later.
Chariots for Apollo (Stoff and Pellegrino)
Also on this date was the 1977 NYC Blackout. Any bizarre conspiracy theorists care to enlighten us on that?
An this "fact" from the story "...and the ship’s computer’s ROM chips were handmade by teams of “little old ladies.” Excuseme,but the ROM chip wasn't invented until like a decade after Apollo 11 ( right? ) and they are made by precision machines that can layer materials into the equivelent of micro-circuits, not something that is hand made by anyone. Although Space suits are hand sewn by usually middle aged seamtresses.
THIS is the expert magazine that debunked the 911 "conspiracy theories" ? Maybe they should have gotten Chertoff's cousin to write this story too. Then I fall for the "fact" that ROM chips, made by old ladies, were used in Apollo 11 :D
- Grrclick- Houston to Lunar surface- Time to break up and go back inside Eagle.
- Kgggrrr.. Aldrin to Houston- Copy.
- Chrrclick- Houston to Lunar surface- Copy. Waiting for confirmation re-entrance Eagle.
- Grcklckclick- Armstrong to Houston- Climbing the ladder.
- Clickgrr- Armstrong to Adrin- ...Key?
- Gggrrrr .... Klcickghhhrrr.... Houston to Aldrin- we didn't copy that- Repeat answer please...?
- Ghhhhhrrrrshhhh....
- Armstrong to Houston and Aldrin- I'm standing on the porch and looking back to Aldrin.
- clgrr- Houston to Armstrong- Copy.
- Aldrin to Houston and Armstrong - ...Negative on the key...
- ghrrr- Armstrong to Aldrin and Houston- I didn't copy that- Repeat message?
- shhhhclick- Houston to Aldrin - We didn't copy that- Repeat message?
- Ggggggghrrr- Aldrin to Armstrong and Houston - Unless we have a crowbar on the Eagle, we have a Mayor problem...
- Ssssshhhhh- Houston to Aldrin and Armstrong- Copy- Wait for our guys to come up with a solution- switch to auxiliary oxigen on external tank 2- we have a serious problem....
- Klickgrrrrr- Aldrin to Houston - Copy.
- Gggrhh- Armstrong to Houston - Copy. ...Shit...
- ghhhhhhhrrrrshhhhh....
- Camera 1, 2 and 3 black / sound off / switch over to emergency message and President.
What !!???!
Does that sentence even make sense ? Why would there even be a lock on the outside door of a spacecraft ? To prevent theft by Greys ?