Moon Over Amtrak, an annual event in Laguna Niguel, California, where people expose their behinds to a passing Amtrak train, may be coming to and end. Tight-assed city officials are cracking down on the tradition:
The Saturday event, which local legend says began in 1979 when a patron at the Mugs Away Saloon offered to buy a drink for anyone who would moon a train from the Camino Capistrano road, brought between 8,000 to 10,000 people to the city's streets last year to drink alcohol and expose their rear ends to Amtrak trains, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
The city described its Amtrak mooning stance on its official Twitter feed by saying authorities are "saying 'NO' to crack."
To help discourage people from participating in the tradition, the City Council passed resolutions in March banning on-street parking in the area near the railroad tracks between Thursday and Sunday this week as well as public drinking and public urination. The city already has an ordinance banning public nudity.
Link (Photo via: Mooning Amtrak)
Comments (4)
Personally, I think it's a pretty cheeky move, given the economic gains, butt then again it's up to them, and they can stop it if they want. Kinda bums me out, though.
No really, she goes there every year. She's gonna be way upset.