Archive for July 9th, 2009

Gingerbread Man Dissection

Ever wonder what the internal workings of a gingerbread man would look like? Artist Jason Freeny has you covered, detailing the full anatomy of one of our gingerbread man friends. LinkArt, biology, gingerbread, an...

Four-Galaxy Collision

NASA's orbiting Chandra X-Ray Observatory snapped this shot of Stephan's Quintet, a group of five galaxies, four of which are currently in collision. Follow the link for a larger picture. Link Previously on Ne...

Karmawish: A Social Networking Site for Doing Good Deeds

Karmawish is a new social networking site that hooks you up with other people who need help. Helping them earns you karma points, which gives you access to help that you need from others as life trips you up. Lin...

Graphene, The World's Thinnest Material

Graphene is a new material made of carbon sheets only one atom thick: "It is the thinnest known material in the universe, and the strongest ever measured," Andre Geim , a physicist at the University of Manches...

Students Win Race with Penguin-Shaped Submarine

Students at the University of Quebec won a competition of human-powered submarines by basing their design on the body and movement of a penguin: Team OMER, composed of students from the school's Ecole de Techn...

Warp Drive Theoretically Possible

Like Star Trek, only real. Physicist Richard Obousy speculates about a means of faster-than-light travel and dubs it 'warp drive'. The picture above is of the ship that he proposes be built to test his ide...

Hacking Your Brain

Computer security expert Tadayoshi Kohno says that biotechnology that has a neural interface, such as advanced prosthetic limbs, may make the brain accessible to hackers in the future: In some cases, patients...

10 Facts About Mass Produced Food

Did you know frozen peaches and peas can actually be healthier for you than fresh ones? Were you aware that Chicken McNuggets actually contain beef extract? There's a whole lot most of us don't know about the food...

10 Facts About Detroit

For many people, even the word "Detroit" brings to mind images of crime, cars and poverty. But no city can really be that black and white. The things you don't know about Detroit might just entertain you. Elovethisci...

Monkey: Your New Grammar Nazi

People, meet your new grammar Nazi: a study by Harvard University linguist Ansgar Endress has revealed that monkeys can recognize poor grammar!For their study, Endress and colleagues played recordings of made-up Engl...

Tower Snake by Huang Yong Ping

Photo: Gladstone GalleryYou're looking at Tower Snake, a spiral ramp built with bamboo and cast-aluminum snake skeleton by Chinese artist Huang Yong Ping, currently on display at the Gladstone Gallery in New Yor...

Miss Georgia Turned Down Crown To Teach Middle School

When it comes to beauty pageants, we're so used to hearing about scandals that this news is rather unusual: Kristina Higgins, who was crowned Miss Georgia, turned down the prize and gave up her title after just hours of...

Russians Tried to Beat Apollo 11 in the Race to the Moon by Crash Landing a Spacecraft

A newly released recording from a British control room monitoring lunar activity in the late 1960s revealed that the Russian actually tried to beat the Americans in the race to the Moon: just hours before the Apollo 11 l...

DustCart: The Real Life Wall-E

Meet DustCart, a real-life Wall-E, created by Italian scientist Paolo Dario and colleagues at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna University. The robotic trash bin can revolutionize trash collection in small Italian towns wit...

Poo-Man on the Fourth Plinth

Sculptor Antony Gormley of One & Other's summer art project is loads of fun: he asks the people of London to occupy the empty Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square, usually reserved for statues of kings and generals. Eve...

WalMart Fails At Twitter

If you, for some weird reason or another, have any interest in signing up to WalMart's Twitter feed, be prepared to agree to a 3,379 word long (lord only knows how many characters) Terms of Use. Personally, I'm not...

Homage to Fail Whale

Fail Whale is the delightful image of a flying whale that Twitter uses when the site is down for one reason or another. The whale, designed by artist Yiying Lu, became so popular that folks made their own versions, ran...

Mint Catapult

Why use your arm in a food fight when you can rig up a tiny little catapult? This project is made from a mint tin, a measuring spoon, and a rubber band. What more fun can you have than to fling candy at your kids! Link...

The Worst Landlord Ever?

Landlord of the Flies is a blog about Gabe and his dealings with his landlord Gary. Gary sends emails and leaves notes and is in quite a bit of trouble with the police, all seemingly for our amusement. When Gabe receiv...

Angry Octopus

Angry Octopus is a webcomic featuring an octopus that always becomes angry by the final panel. It's a summer project from Mike and his eight-year-old daughter Zoe. The pictured comic is entitled "Beware of Fugu". Link...

The Mysterious Swag Box

I received a mysterious package in the mail yesterday. I'm always expecting something from eBay, but I didn't order anything lately that would come in a package this big. Continue reading if you are interested in...

What Is It? Game 104

w00t! It's time for this week's collaboration with the always fascinating What is it? Blog. Can you guess what the strange object above is for?Place your guess in the comment section - no prize this week...

Daring Eighth-floor Rescue

34-year-old Hu Binjun of Chengdu, Sichuan province, China was reportedly been doing drugs when he threatened to commit suicide. He also dangled his three-year-old daughter out the window of their eighth-story apartment b...

Odd Allergies

Although not common, some people exhibit allergic reactions to some strange and hard-to-avoid things, like heat, cold, sunlight, sweat, and vibrations. Vibrations? Once again it is the body having a strange reaction...

VideoSift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Train vs. Tornado Hundreds of tons of steel vs. one of nature's fiercest phenomenons. Once the rain starts coming down, there's no turning bac...

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