(YouTube link)
This sewer-cam video from Raleigh, North Carolina has been inspiring nausea all over the web. Deep Sea News contacted experts to find out what kind of creature this could be.
They are clumps of annelid worms, almost certainly tubificids (Naididae, probably genus Tubifex). Normally these occur in soil and sediment, especially at the bottom and edges of polluted streams. In the photo they have apparently entered a pipeline somehow, and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other.
Read more about annelid worms and see more videos, if you have the stomach for it. http://deepseanews.com/2009/06/creatures-from-the-sewer/ -via a comment at Digg
When I worked at a tropical fish shop we'd sell them by the ounce for live food. Rumor was that they were harvested from sewers. They certainly smelled that way.
We stored them in a litter box full of water in a refrigerator. They clumped together into a carpet of sorts, which tightened when disturbed. Part of the day's work included scooping them up with a NyQuil cup into little baggies for sale.
Heaven forbid we'd get a bad batch that died. It smelled even worse and the water turned blood red.
Just put some catchup on them and there you are: the solution to world hunger.
My god, doctor. The only thing that could spread that far in 48 hours is... Viral marketing!
Little Johnnie's teacher asked him how his weekend was.
"Horribly, a car hit my dog in the ass," he said.
She said, "Rectum."
"Wrecked him?" Johnnie said. "Damn near killed him!"
"I, for one, welcome our new tubificid overlords"! :D
and to think that it's where i live.
i was completely shocked when i started reading the description that it was in NC. gag.
Oo, that's better....
It's clearly a viral, a very good viral but a viral none the less. surely the holding page gave the game away?
It's promoting the sequel of a Japanese horror flick called The Host.
Did nobody else spot the wiki links all updated the day the video appeared?
Check out this cached page here:
Which was obviously taken down at the studios request, but none the less it's a nice bit of work!