Fancy fast food takes regular old fast food and turns it into gourmet (looking) food. I'm sure it doesn't taste as good as real four star cuisine, but it sure does look delicious. Best of all, there's plenty of recipes so you can duplicate the efforts.
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I would like to serve it up and like that at a party and see how it goes over. Take a bigmac and run it through the food processor and serve it up as a casserole.
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Looks good, but as I was reading the directions, I realise the recipes called for blending the food in a food processor or at least making some kind of paste from the already cooked food. Didn't sound so appetising after that, though yeah, it would certainly be interesting to see the looks on people's faces if the food was served to them in a gourmet restaurant - and that it actually tasted good.
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Is that like putting lipstick on bacon?
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For some reason this kind of turns my stomach.
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@SenorMysterioso - it was a Top Chef (and Top Chef Masters) vending machine challenge.
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