Archive for June 2009

Sofa Transforms Into a Pool Table

I must've been living under a rock since I missed the bidding on this super awesome sofa/pool table combo. The sofa, a 1970s collaboration between Pierce upholsterer and pool table manufacturer Riley, is probably one of...

Neatorama Update - June 2009

Time sure flies when you're having fun (or in my case, buried with work). I'd like to take a minute and give you a State of the Blog update.Upcoming Queue Top Submitter - May 2009When we launched the Neatorama Upcoming Q...

Please Bolt the Door

Sometimes a simple handmade sign can tell an entire story. This may be from Ireland, but I'm not sure. -via Arbroathsign, toilet, sheep...

Defying Death, Three Times a Week

Gregory Carpenter, aka Dr. Danger, doesn't like to be restrained. As a concession to safety, he wears a helmet and seat belt when he does his "suicide car jump" driving 60 miles an hour over a ramp,...

Ambilvalent or Guarded Bumper Stickers

Here they are, a selection of bumper stickers for people who don't feel that strongly about the issues on other bumper stickers. Link -via Metafilterbumper stickers...

Music Tidbits: Cyndi Lauper

Cyndi Lauper is one of my heroes. I saw her a few years ago and even though she was around 45 at the time, she had the energy of a teenager. Her style has changed over the years, but it is as unique as ever. If you get t...

Coffee Filter Dress

18-year-old Aimee Kick is an aspiring fashion designer from Missouri. She designed and constructed a dress for her prom completely from coffee filters! See more pictures at The Fashion Police. Link -via YesButNoButYesd...

Pixar Grants Last Wish

10-year-old Colby Curtin of Huntington Beach, California had been anxiously looking forward to the movie Up since she saw the first previews. Colby battled vascular cancer for three years, and when the movie was...

Election Decided by Luck of the Draw

A Cave Creek, Arizona city council race ended in a tie, with both candidates receiving 660 votes, confirmed by a recount. So they decided the winner by drawing cards! Adam Trenk and Thomas McGuire, both in blue jea...

The Town Devoured By Rock

Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain, is a town built under overhanging cliffs! With ancient rock over, under, and behind the buildings, the town was easier to defend against invaders than most throughout its history, and is...

The Bathroom Song

Joel Veitch of and his wife just wanted to record a simple song with/for their kids. The second half of the video shows how difficult that process is! Oh, the "for" part is simple, but the "with" part can...

The Medieval Way to Roast a Porpoise

For all the foodies - the John Rylands Library (U.K.) has now digitalized and published The Forme of Cury, a cookbook dating back to about 1420. Compiled by master cooks to Richard II, this book contains hundreds of reci...

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Video Contest: Deep Thoughts From the Throne

Why wasn't I told that June is National Bathroom Reading Month? I've been celebrating it all year long!Anyways, to celebrate this momentous occasion, our pal Uncle John's Bathroom Reader is running a neat contest: Deep T...

Post-It Love, an Office Romance Told With Post-It Notes

There's office romance, and then there's post-it office romance! Here's a cute short film by Academy Film's directors Simon Atkinson and Adam Trowley (better known as Si & Ad) about how two office workers express the...

This Old Nest: Birds Still Use 2,000-Year-Old Nest

Wow - talk about living in an old house. When ornithologist Kurt Burnham of the University of Oxford and colleagues carbon dated the guano and other debris of a gyrfalcon nest in Greenland, he got a very surprising answe...

PETA Protests Obama's Killing of Innocent Fly

By now, I'm sure you've all have heard the fly swat heard 'round the world. Late night talk show hosts had a field day making fun of President Obama's artful swat of a persistent fly that bugged him during an interview.E...

Man Arrested Mid-Hairdo

There's probably never a good time to get arrested, but you have to admit, this is kind of awkward: Marcus T. Bailey, 25, was in the middle of getting his hair done when he stepped out to deal drug ... and got arrested!T...

Waiter, There's a Hawk in My Soup!

David William of And I Am Not Lying For Real blog was having a nice lunch when a hawk flew into where he was eating and landed on his food:I was sitting at a window seat next to the open door, and my food had just be...

The Compact Marble Machine

(YouTube link) It's not really necessary to watch the entire video to get the idea of what's going on here. This marble machine was built in four hours. If I had one of these toys at home, I'd watch it constantly. But...

Homemade Spider Catcher

I don't know how effective this homemade spider catcher is, but it should be easy to make from a cassette case, a pipe, a string, and some glue. Beats walking into a web, the way I've been doing lately! Link -via Evil...

Temporary Ski Jumps

A half-century ago, building ski jumps out of scaffolding was pretty popular, especially at stadiums, where they would be used to draw a crowd. Deputy dog takes a look at several of these oh-so-scary contraptions. The...

7 Amazing Types Of Invisible Ink

Some types of invisible ink are right there in your kitchen cupboard! Hundreds of liquids, from fruit juices to specially formulated chemicals, can be used as invisible ink. Here we explore six of the most interest...

Bat Swinging

(YouTube link) Since when is this possible? Long Beach Armada outfielder Josh Womack shows off a bit at training camp. Can I learn to do this, or would I just hurt myself? -via Reddit baseball, baseball bat...

Interesting Facts About Beavers

After watching a movie about beavers a few weeks ago, I became highly interested by their strange behaviors. I came to research a bit about the critters and came along some info that may be interesting to all of you read...

VideoSift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Most Awkward Chair Promo Ever You know, this looks like a great chair - but do they have to focus so much on the benefits to the groin area?...

The Incredible Century Old Color Photography of Prokudin-Gorsky

One hundred years ago this year, Russian photographer Sergey Produkin-Gorsky (pictured left) embarked on a project that was to define his life's work - to photograph the vast country of Russia and its peoples in...

Painfully Obvious Rules of Photography

Photography can be such a serious art, but taken too seriously it becomes formal and boring - at least for folks like Ivar Gravlejs. With 78 exhaustive tips he ranges from humorous to obvious, dead-pan to just plain...

Physical Typography: Brilliant Built & Found Fonts

In a way, typography has come full circle - what started as a physical process of setting type in machines has been rediscovered as a physical art by a number of creative photographers and designers. Some of these un...


I can't say I begin to understand this video from Marco Brambilla, but the sheer scope and intricacy of it takes my breath away. This interpretation of Dante’s Divine Comedy is precisely the experience video arti...

Synchronized Fireflies

(YouTube link) Mid-June in east Tennessee means fireflies that flash in unison! In 1995, scientists confirmed the existence of the Great Smoky Mountain synchronized fireflies, and have subsequently discovered o...


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