Archive for June 2009

Camouflage Wedding Dress by Erika Sárközi

After you've hunted your mate and got him to agree to marry you, what's a good huntress to do about her wedding dress? Here's a custom-designed camouflage wedding dress by Erika Sárközi that will surely strik...

Segway + Marching Band + Fire = Awesome!

What do you get when you put a marching band on segways, then set them on fire? Here's Glissendo, a street performance by Le Snob at the French art festival, playing "Lightning" by Philip Glass (concept...

40th Anniversary of the Cuyahoga River Fire

40 years ago yesterday the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio caught on fire.  Again. The 1969 Cuyahoga River fire was one of the seminal events in American environmental history, yet the conventional narrativ...

Girl with 56 Stars Admits Lying

In an update on last week's story, 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaminck, the girl with 56 stars tattooed on her face, has recanted her story. She had blamed the tattoo artist, Rouslan Toumaniantz, for overdoing the three small...

Caption Monkey 61: You Shall Not Pass!

Photo: pyza* [Flickr]This week's Neatorama and Hobotopia's Caption Monkey photo of a hamster named Piórko came to us via the always awesome Cute Overload. I think there's more to this hamster than meets the eye.As...

Movie Trivia: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

I have a feeling I’m going to get mixed responses to this movie trivia post – either you love the stupidity (genius?) of Bill and Ted or you hate it. Me... I love it. I had a massive crush on Keanu...

Barbie Foot: Barbie Foosball Table

Photo: designboomFrench designer Chloe Ruchon took the manly game of foosball and gave it a decidedly feminine twist: she used Barbie dolls as the foos men!Chloe's table, Barbie Foot, was made in collaboration with Matte...

World's Most Dangerous Driver

Think that the person yakking on his cell phone while driving in the car next to you is bad? He's nothing compared to this dancing Romanian driver! How on Earth did he get his license?!Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] -...

Beautiful Rapid Prototyping Art: Chrysanthemum by Michaella Janse van Vuuren

The Chrysanthemum is a centerpiece designed by South African designer Michaella Janse van Vuuren. It's a combination of bowl/candle holder made with rapid prototyping (and manufacturing) using laser, so it's a perfect co...

Woman Snores Like Donald Duck

Finally! After all these years, the secret of the source of Donald Duck's laugh (rabid chuckle? mad chatter?) has been revealed! You'd never guess where it comes from ...A Welsh View has the video clip: Link [embedded Yo...

License to Chill: Daniel Craig-Shaped Popsicle

OK, we're way behind on this news but I think its sheer strangeness will help overcome our tardiness: food company Del Monte asked 1,000 British women which celebrity is the coolest and James Bond star Daniel Cr...

20 Types of Art Student, by Chuck Dillon

After 10 years of teaching art at the Hussian School of Art in Philadelphia, Chuck Dillon has seen just about every type of art student. So, in a post is certainly going to be a classic, here's Chuck's classification of...

Neither Snow Nor Rain ... But Pot Will Do a Postman In!

While it's debatable on whether marijuana will lead to harder drugs, it's now fact that it can lead to laziness. Here's the story of a postman who got so lazy after smoking so much pot that he decided to burn mail instea...

Neatorama Update: Environmental Graffiti Interview and Twitter

Environmental Graffiti InterviewKarl Fabricius of Environmental Graffiti has just posted an interview with me about Neatorama and how the blog came to be. Actually it's a story I've never told anyone online - so it's a n...

Extreme Life Thrives Everywhere on Earth

At one time, scientists were surprised to discover microbes living in places that were thought to be uninhabitable. That doesn't happen anymore, because scientists know life can thrive almost anywhere on earth. Aft...

Zero Gravity Wedding

Erin Finnegan and Noah Fulmor of New York City said their wedding vows in a memorable way: in zero gravity! The ceremony took place Saturday inside a specially equipped aircraft flying in parabolic arcs to simulate the e...

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

We've featured adorable subatomic particles from The Particle Zoo previously at Neatorama. Now they have a new item called the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. This cuddly plush toy represents the residual radiat...

TV Homes

Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental floss will test your memory of classic TV homes. Can you match the exterior shot of the characters' home with the name of the show? I only scored 40%, so you will have to do be...

Fingerprints Do Not Improve Grip

A study by biomechanicist (apparently, there's such a thing) Roland Ennos and Peter Warman of the University of Manchester, UK, has just blown away decades of conventional knowledge: fingerprints do not increase our grip...

Cats Aren't That Clever After All

As if that fingerprint thing wasn't enough, here's another earth-shattering study - for cat lovers anyhow: psychologist Britta Osthaus of Canterbury Christ Church University has proven that cats aren't as smart as their...

Wikipedia as a Book

What would Wikipedia look like if it were printed out as a traditional encyclopedia? Rob Matthews decided to make it his art project: behold, the 5,000 pages of Wikipedia (featured articles only, mind you) in book form:...

What's Wrong With This Photo?

Photo: Vernon Bryant / Dallas Morning NewsThe photo above, taken by Vernon Bryant for Dallas Morning News, depicts the bravery of Dallas Fire-Rescue officials warning residents of West Dallas of flooding (and if necessar...

Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, Badass

(Video Link) I love a politician who has a sense of humor and can poke fun at himself -- like Robert Reich, U.S. Secretary of Labor under the Clinton Administration.  Here he is on The Tonight Show with Co...

I Before E, Except After C Rule Left to D-I-E

Is nothing sacred anymore? After decades of having the rule (it was even made into a Charlie Brown song), the British government is ditching it:Advice sent to teachers says there are too few words which follow the ru...

A Family That Steals Together ...

Quick: what do you usually do on a family outing? Do you go to the movies? Maybe eat out? How about steal together? That's exactly what one family did in Boerne, Texas. Kim Fischer of WOAI reports:Boerne police said...

5 Most Worthless Droids in Sci-Fi

If real life is any indication, for every android hero, there has got to be a hundred or so worthless robots floating around in science fiction. Neatoramanaut Johnny Cat has compiled his very own list of 5 worthless droi...

Famous Moustaches Shaved Off (Virtually)

Some moustaches are so iconic that they are an essential part - calling cards, if you will - of some men's characters. Shaving them off seems unthinkable and would yield these men as mere shells of their former selves (I...


The Texas jaguarundi is a small endangered wildcat that lives along the border between Texas and Mexico. The jaguarundi was put on the federal endangered species list in 1976, but the Department of the Interior has never...

The Scary Washing Machine

Someone gave Mike Whittaker and his wife an old washing machine, saying it was "a bit noisey". That turned out to be an understatement. As the last bit of water was pumped out and it clicked into gear I immedi...

Diversity Through Photoshop

Toronto's motto is "Diversity Our Strength" which makes it kinda awkward for the City to be busted for this exercise in forced diversity: they photoshopped in (badly) a token black guy for the cover of their Sp...


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