Archive for June 2009

5 Strangest Products Pitched by Billy Mays

Everybody knows that Billy Mays is TV pitchman for OxiClean ("powered by the air we breathe!) and Kaboom ("tough on grime, easy on you") ... but wait, there's more! Did you know that...

Blue Angels Cockpit Cam

[YouTube - Link] I have always had a fascination with planes and fighter jets ever since my Dad used to take the family and I to the Dubai Airshow when I was really young where we got to watch some of the craziest a...

Billy Mays Has Died

First it was David Carradine, then Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Now, infomercial king Billy Mays is dead. Celebrities are dying left and right! The 50-year-old known for his shouting OxiClean ads w...

"Swan Flu" and Other Commonly Misspelled Search Terms of the Month

All of you Neatoramanauts know that we love tpyos here at Neatorama, but even we know how to spell Susan Boyle, MySpace and Swine Flu - those are just three of the most commonly misspelled (or perhaps mistyped) searches...

Prostitute Traded Sex for ... Frito-Lay Chips!

The economy is so bad that even prostitutes are desperate! Oklahoma City resident Lahuma Sue Smith, 36, pled no contest to prostitution charges that she traded sex for ... a box of Frito-Lay chips:According to the po...

Meet Pabst, The World's Ugliest Dog

The World's Ugliest dog contest has been decided ... and the result ain't pretty! Congrats to Pabst, a boxer-mix shelter dog who won the 21st annual World's Ugliest Dog Contest at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, Calif...

Time Wastes Too Fast

Author and illustrator Maira Kalman took a trip to Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson and was moved to write a travelogue. But this is no ordinary travelogue. Kalman writes about Jefferson's life and philosophy a...

13-story Building Topples

You don't want to be around when a high-rise apartment building falls over! The unfinished 13-story building in Shanghai toppled Saturday morning and killed a 28-year-old worker. "It was just like an earthquake," w...

Michael Jackson Tribute

(YouTube link)The dancing inmates of Cebu prison in the Philippines (featured previously at Neatorama) presented a choreographed tribute to Michael Jackson yesterday. 1,500 inmates participated. The best is the middle pa...

Bloody Evidence Chef's Knife

This chef's knife is so awesome it's criminal! Behold the Evidence Chef's Knife, complete with fired-on, food-safe "blood" design and evidence tag! At just $14.95, it's a steal (though we definitely don't rec...

Jell-o Jewels Sparkle With Deliciousness

Yummy, classy and fat free. These Jell-o jewels have real gold powder in them. They're part of a Jell-o mold competition in Brooklyn. The cheeseburger and shishkabob ones are fantastic, along with the oyster pearls....

There's A Squid In Your Water

Bandai toy company from Japan has finally realized that bottles of water just aren't cute. As Japan is the cute capital of the world, this just wouldn't do. To fix the problem, they developed these adorable floating...

NES Controller Doorbell

An intrepid Nintendo fan hacked a wireless doorbell together with a NES controller. It looks really cool, I just wonder which button actually makes the door ring. Linknintendo, doorbells, old school video games...

Rating Attractiveness: Consensus Among Men, Not Women

Here's another case of science proving what we all knew in the back of our minds. Men pretty much agree on what makes a woman attractive, while women have their own ideas about what is attractive in men. A survey led by...

Women Happiest at 28

A survey of women by hair color products maker Clairol has pinpointed the age of maximum happiness for women:A spokesman for home hair colour brand Clairol Perfect 10, which carried out the study of 4,000 women, said...

Paragolfer Machine Lets Paralyzed People Golf

[Skip the intro to mark 1:00 for the good stuff!]Being paralyzed shouldn't stop someone from engaging in a sport lovingly described by Mark Twain as "a good walk, ruined," thanks to the Paragolfer machine by Pa...

Wanted: "People-Effective" Person for $197,000 Job

Psst, want a £119,000 job? (That's US$197,000 for us Yanks) The job of "Director of Organisation Development" in Yorkshire can be yours ... if only you can decipher the want ad:Huddersfield-based Kirk...

Living with Really Big Cats: Cheetahs, Lions, and Tigers

If you think having to "share" your bed with your pet cat is bad, that's nothing compared to what Riana Van Nieuwenhuizen has to do: the sanctuary worker shares her South African home with really, really big ca...

Yann Travaille's Crayon Scribble Tattoos

Tattoo artist Yann Travaille has made a name for himself in the over populated field of tattoo design with his astonishingly refreshing designs normally done with crayons, not tattoo ink. Check out more of his cr...

Monkey Kick Off

The concept behind the cute Monkey Kick Off Flash game from Miniclip is maddeningly simple: just press a key or click your mouse button to get the monkey to kick the ball. Sounds simple, right? Well, it is ... except whe...

How To Crochet An Eye Ball

These are not only unique and cute, but they'd make a great gift for Halloween parties...of course, if you're like me, it may take until Halloween to actually figure out how finish a few of them. Link Via Craftzin...

Tree Grows Under Car -Lifts It Up

Junkyard workers in Japan noticed this seedling sprouting up under a car over 25 years ago. They let it grow and now it's lifted the whole car up in the air. Now they've created a shrine around it. Check out the vide...

Otter Plays Piano

The Monterey Bay Aquarium has trained this cute little guy to play piano. Of course, he's not the next Beethoven, but it's still too cute to look away. Link Via Cute OverloadCute, Video, otter, playing piano...

Canopy Raft

How do researchers study the tops of rain forests? One way is to use a canopy raft, which is flown up and settled on the very tops of trees. canopy rafts are extraordinary things. they're basically enormous nets a...

Don't Stop Believin'

(vimeo link) Eight-year-old Riley Silos sings in this video recorded and edited by his dad. It was a Fathers Day project they did together. -via Buzzfeed music video, journey, child...

Pootre Art From Plum Trees

Peter Cook and Becky Northey started making what they call Pooktre, the shaped plum trees into art and furniture. They started by making trees into a coffee table and a mirror frame. The chair above is one of the gre...

Kangaroo Fights

Environmental Graffiti has a fun post right about fighting kangaroos. It has some interesting information, but more than anything else, it's all about the great photos. If you ever want to see a professional fighter...

Five Shocking Celebrity Deaths

Love or hate Michael Jackson, the entire world was stunned by his death yesterday.  Although there have been plenty of celebrity deaths, there aren’t that many that have sent shockwaves of this magnitude across the gl...

Silly Experiments in Spaaaace!

[YouTube - Link] Koichi Wakata, a Japanese Astronaut who is working aboard the International Space Station was given the task to perform a few silly experiments in Zero-G requested by the Earth People of Japan. The...

Sixty Symbols

Are you familiar with these sixty symbols from physics and astronomy? The University of Nottingham is following up on the success of their Periodic Table of Videos (previously at Neatorama) by posting this guide with a...


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