Tattoo artist Yann Travaille has made a name for himself in the over populated
field of tattoo design with his astonishingly refreshing designs normally done with crayons, not tattoo ink.
Check out more of his crayon-like tattoos on his website YOUR MEAT IS MINE (Some images NSFW):
Link - via cakeheadlovesevil
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by cakehead loves evil.
Some of the others are just a great big mess, though.
I like this guys work, the designs are whimsical and the tattoos are very well done.
That is because those are fresh. It goes away after a few days.
I like those. Because I desgined a tattoo for myself years ago that was done in crayon, and it was simple.
on a smaller scale though the shark one would be great.
The one on the upper right looks as though it is incomplete and may be in the process of a cover job. It appears that the original tat is maybe a baby face.
An interesting concept, but I'd prefer something a little more professional-looking. To each his/her own.
here is his fb
though... and whats wrong with regular tattoos?
What's to say that this isn't beautiful?
I love it. It's a different spin on the very saturated and trite works of art you can find elsewhere.
Keep the Canadian spirit up, Yann. :)