Panda-painted Elephants

The elephant is the national symbol of Thailand. But lately, citizens have been going crazy for pandas. Zookeepers feel that the elephants aren't getting enough attention, and made their point by painting the elephants to look like pandas!
Slathering them in white watercolour paint, the keepers at the Ayutthaya Elephant Kraal then paraded the five elephants before schoolchildren in an effort to remind Thailand that its elephants have needs, too.

The furore was sparked after the nation became fascinated with the birth of a female panda cub to pandas Lin Hui and Xuang Xuang at Chiang Mai zoo.

The Bangkok Post also reported that a 20 million baht (£355,800) snow house was being built for the panda family at the zoo.

Link -via Unique Daily

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ha, OddNumber...great one. and a comment from the mysterious Neatoramawontsendmeapassword who has gone...somewhere. I wonder if Neatorama ever sent him/her a password.
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Reminds me of the photoshop contest a while back where the goal was to hide elephants in plain
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