Archive for June 25th, 2009

Nijinsky on Video

When is a video not a video? Some consider Vaslav Nijinsky the greatest ballet dancer ever, but there is no known film footage of Nijinsky, who retired at age 29 in 1919. He would not allow his company to be filmed. Howe...

Interview With A Capybara Owner

Capybara owner Melanie Typaldos gave a great interview about her unusual pet on the Estatic Days blog. Her pet is named Caplin Rous as in Rodents Of Unusual Size from the Princess Bride. Some of her stories about wal...

Michael Jackson Found Dead

Photo Via Brennheit Bakst [Flickr] M.J. was just found dead at the age of fifty, apparently from a cardiac arrest.He was scheduled to perform a number of comeback concerts next year. "We're told when paramedics arr...

Blue and Green? No, They are the Same Color.

The spiral appears to have arms of green, blue, and pink/magenta - but what appears to be blue and what appears to be green are actually identical colors, confirmed by spectrometry.The reason they look [like] differe...

10 Unexpected Merit Badges

There are certain Boy Scout/Girl Scout Merit badges you expect - Archery, Cooking, Camping, Safety, that sort of thing. But the Scouts have a more well-rounded nucleus of merit badge opportunities than you could ever im...

Was Custer Outgunned at Little Bighorn?

The Battle of Little Bighorn happened 133 years ago today. George Custer and his men were certainly outnumbered, but their defeat may have also been assured by the Lakota and Cheyenne warriors' superior weaponry. If...

Baby Bats

A shelter in Australia takes care of the world's cutest baby fruit bats during tick paralysis season. (embedded YouTube video) I just love the way the announcer says...

What is it? Game 102

This week's collaboration with the always fun What is it? Blog brings us this strange tool. Can you guess what it is for? Hint: it has a very specific use, and it's not what you're thinking about.Place y...

VideoSift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Gender-Targeted Advertising It's a point well made about gender inequality in advertising. This is a short clip from the very funny UK show *...

The Girl Who Does Not Age

At 16 years of age and weighing only 16 pounds, Brooke Greenberg has a previously-undescribed condition which in many aspects seems to show an absence of aging of the body. She is infantile in size, but she does not...

5 Little Know Facts about Ed McMahon

Ed McMahon always seemed like a great guy with a good sense of humor.  He will be missed.  These little known facts about the guy put a smile on my face.  :) From the list, here's something about "...

Chew on This: Blog About Chewing Gums

It's something that most of us do on a regular basis, but don't it much thought.  Not so for Shannon and Katie of Gum Alert blog. These two girls (who obviously have a lot of time on their hands) are on their way...

To Protect and Serve ... and Dance!

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Sometimes you just gotta let it loose, though this short video clip shows that even when you think you're alone ... Big Brother is always watching!From...

Church Blesses Men With Beer

Rather be flyflishing, golfing or sleeping than going to church? Concerned with the lack of men attending services, the Church of England is now offering new incentives: free beer, bacon rolls and chocolate bars!Men...

World’s Most Interesting and Dangerous Raceways

Ever since the dawn of civilization, humans have had the need for speed. Indeed, raceways have been in existence for just about as long as we have cars, and although you may have never found yourself in the middle of a...

Photographic Height

If you were ever a witness to a crime, and you were asked to provide the height and weight of the suspect, would you be able to do it? Do you have any idea what 266 lb on a 6'3" frame look like? This may help: Ro...

Rottweiler vs. Cat: Who Will Win?

[youtube=][YouTube - Link] If you need the protection of a guard animal, would you be better off with a Rottweiler ... or a cat? Watch the video first ... From the Upcoming ueu...

Photo of a Volcano's Shock Wave

An amazing picture taken from International Space Station shows the shock wave from a volcanic eruption.  The eruption ocurred on the Sarychev Peak on Matau Island, located in the Kuril island chain northeast of J...

Hairless Cat Loves Hair

(YouTube link) Maybe there is a little envy in this cat, but he sure is affectionate. The laughter from the spectators is a bonus. -via Buzzfeed Cat, hair, hairless cat...

Ancient Well Found, Complete with Skeleton

Archaeologists have unearthed a well in Cyprus that is believed to be between 9,000 and 10,500 years old, making one of the earth's oldest water wells. Debris at the bottom of the well includes the skeleton of a woman....

TXT Island

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]TXT Island is a stop-motion film by Chris Gavin, who hand-crafted each frame using hundreds of plastic peg-board letters. The films follows the endea...

Sharks: Serial Killers of the Sea?

Researchers using a criminology method made an interesting observation about great white sharks.  It turns out the hunting habits of the great whites were similar to human serial killers.The scientists adapted g...

7 Infamous Offices That Decided The Fate Of Millions

You might like to think that the decisions made in stately offices are in your benefit, but a quick look back through 20th century history reveals numerous offices of government used to plan, organize and ultimately comm...

Why Carry a Dog in a Handbag?

Why do some women like to carry around their dog in their handbags? If you've ever pondered how pets evolved into a fashion accessory (where "walking the dog" involves absolutely no walking on the part of the f...

The Incredible Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge Under Construction

Little known outside of its home states of Nevada and Arizona, this new bridge has been overshadowed by its more venerable and certainly larger neighbor but the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge is certainly something to be seen....

Becoming a Giant: 6' 6", 480 lb. Woman is Still Growing

Ten years ago, Tanya Angus was 5'11" tall and living in Michigan when she began to get migraine headaches and noticed her shoes did not fit.  Not only did her condition worsen, but she started to grow and her v...

Half VW Half Opel Frankencar!

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]What do you get when you combine a bunch of technically inclined Romanians, half of a Volkswagen, and half of an Opel?  Something that looks ridicu...

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