Captain's uniforms of every military branch of the various countries that served in World War II, modeled by the same guy!
"My hobby deals strictly with World War II militaria & insignia.
However, rather than collecting the actual items, I collect and use high resolution photos of them to create Photoshop images that show myself in the uniform of a Captain (or equivalent rank) in whichever armed force and branch of service those insignia were worn by.
Link -via Metafilter
Now the Turkish uniform was almost MC Hammer time. And the Turks def hammered the Axis.
The images do get creepy after a while.
Turkey was a neutral Country during WW2
You obviously don't know your history concerning clandestine troups from "neutral" countries.
Turkey declared war on Germany and Japan in April of 1945.
Turkey was part of the UN Troops in Korea, not neutral, they were allied with the USA, New Zaeland, the Netherlands and many more. There are no known records of Turkish Troops during World War 2, even if Hitler wished to have the Turks by his side, did not happen.