5 Most Worthless Droids in Sci-Fi

If real life is any indication, for every android hero, there has got to be a hundred or so worthless robots floating around in science fiction. Neatoramanaut Johnny Cat has compiled his very own list of 5 worthless droids that ever graced the silver screen.

This one to the left is V.I.N.CENT, from the 1979 sci-fi movie The Black Hole:

4. V.I.N.CENT and B.O.B.
Okay, I'll admit it. When The Black Hole came out in 1979, I was all over it. I even had the board game. This was mostly due to the effect Star Wars had on my embracing any & all space travel movies to the fullest. But as anyone who’s seen it will probably tell you, this movie SUCKED. These two whirligigs didn’t even impress my young sci-fi starved mind at the time, with their precious laser guns taking out countless other worthless sentry droids. They look like they were designed by a six-year-old with a serious head trauma. Also: Roddy McDowell and Slim Pickens do the voices. Waste.

See if you can add anything to the list: Link

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Bad comparison Monster and Rockets. I belong to a lot of Metal forums, blogs and bit-torrent sites. There is an overwhelmingly large movement of Metalheads who think Ozzy sucks and would be willing to write an article about it. They make a good cast as well, considering the man hasn't put a decent album out since the mid-80's.

I'm with on the Black Hole part though. Sure, the two floating trash cans were stupid as hell, but I enjoyed the movie in the theater as a kid, built a model of the ship, and still enjoy from time to time now. All that, and I'm not even a nerd.
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I re-watched The Black Hole a few months ago, for the first time in many years. Shockingly, it was actually better than I remembered. Yeah, BOB was an annoying waste of time and talent, but VINCENT did have some dramatic potential, despite looking like a refugee from a Playmobil set. The ship design and special effects were excellent, and the overall atmosphere appropriately spooky and mysterious.

Unfortunately Disney could not resist piling on the artificial cuteness, either out of corporate habit or as a clumsy attempt at reproducing the wide appeal of Star Wars. (Ironically, one of the same mistakes that later spoiled the second Star Wars trilogy.)
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