This apple is in the portfolio of artist Kevin Van Aelst, along with quite a few other neat visual works. The only problem I have is that he forgot Madagascar.
The beef i have with this is that greenland is not that size and this map type is only appropriate for flat surfaces. with an apple being somewhat round, there is no exuce to not make it more accurate when it comes to landmass size.
I agree with Mackenzie. He should have used a globe instead of a map to make this, because this projection makes the poles appear much larger than they should be. Greenland and Northern Canada are much too big.
The United States, Canada, Mexico and Central America looks like a chicken...of sorts. Oh and Florida is kinda puny too. "A" for effort, C- for execution.
Where are the Falkland Islands!?!? LOL! And HTF is Greenland bigger than South America??! I'd guess South America is like, 10x bigger than Greenland. Anyway, I'd like to give a bite!
Comments (19)
Hooray undergraduate geography degree
As a Canadian, I'm quite satisfied with the size of Canada. But, Greeland is indeed too BIG!
And HTF is Greenland bigger than South America??! I'd guess South America is like, 10x bigger than Greenland.
Anyway, I'd like to give a bite!
This is not a chart intended to be used for navigation. It's art.