To celebrate the anime Mobile Suit Gundam's 30th anniversary, Japan is building a life-size RX-78-2 Gundam in Odaiba, Tokyo. From Anime News Network:
The statue will be free for viewing, but it will only stay up for two months. It will be built with fiberglass-reinforced plastic over a steel frame so it can be disassembled later. The head unit will move and the body will have 50 points that will emit light. Mist can shoot forth from 14 locations on the body. The park is just four trains stops from Tokyo Big Sight, the home of the Comic Market dojinshi convention and the Gundam Big Expo convention that will be held from August 21 to August 23. Bandai NAMCO Group is still determining what to do with the statue after its allotted two months in the park are over.
As you can see, the mecha is almost done. Just in time to deal with the shenanigans over at North Korea, too! MoƩ passion blog has more pics: Link
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Frau.
Thanks to whoever, for the severe editing. I could not find a good link with an ok image to post for it. And the original link had no images, and was in Japanese.
It is complete and Pink Tentacle has some really pretty night images of it.