Orthodox jews are restricted from surfing the web in case they run across religiously questionable and sexually explicit materials. But Koogle, a search engine launched by Yossi Altman, may change all that:
Yossi Altman said Koogle, a play on the names of a Jewish noodle pudding and the ubiquitous Google, appears to meet the standards of Orthodox rabbis, who restrict use of the Web to ensure followers avoid viewing sexually explicit material.
The site, at www.koogle.co.il, omits religiously objectionable material, such as most photographs of women which Orthodox rabbis view as immodest, Altman said.
Its links to Israeli news and shopping sites also filter out items most ultra-Orthodox Israelis are forbidden by rabbis to have in their homes, such a television sets.
"This is a kosher alternative for ultra-Orthodox Jews so that they may surf the Internet," Altman said by telephone.
But they are both the same when it comes to things on the internet that don't match their ideology; it's strictly forbidden by both of them.
""This is a kosher alternative for ultra-Orthodox Jews so that they may surf the Internet," Altman said by telephone."
I don't suppose growing the f*&k up is an option?
It makes all the difference that it is Israel that did this and not Iran. The christians in the west are just happy that the jews and the muslims are far away from them. They hate them both equally.