Archive for June 10th, 2009

Footage from Inside a Wyoming Tornado

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Most people run away from tornados, but not storm chasers: they run toward them! Here's a video clip from SRV Dominator, of a Goshen c...

Pierogi Fest and Other Spectacular Summer Food Festivals

Summer is almost upon us, and with it, comes the strange and wonderful food festivals around the country. Cheese, watermelon... pierogi?  I'm all over that one. Yum, pierogi! Brynn Mannino of Woman's Day...

Loving Day

In the not-too-distant past, it was against the law in many states for people of different races to marry. Richard and Mildred Loving got married in Washington, DC in 1958 and returned to their hometown in Virginia as cr...

Insecta Fantasia

Insecta Fantasia is an art installation at the Newark Museum in New Jersey, which includes the restored historic Ballentine House. It is fitting location for artist Jennifer Angus to show her work. Nestled within...

My Milk Toof

The blog My Milk Toof features the pictorial adventures of ickle and Lardee, two baby teeth. Here's the backstory: When I was young, I placed my baby teeth under my pillow and when i woke up I'd find a shiny new q...

Death Metal Parrot

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Scientists have determined that birds can indeed dance, but can they headbang to death metal? You betcha! Behold, the Death Metal Parrot!From the Upcomi...

…Goes to Washington

Several movies and TV shows have featured the plot line of someone heading to Washington, DC to become involved in the business of running our nation. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss features trivia about nine o...

The Millionth English Word: Web 2.0

A new English word is created about every 98 minutes, according to the website The Global Language Monitor. Based on that rate, English passed the millionth word mark earlier today. H...

6 Stubborn Nail Houses

In Pixar's new film Up! a homeowner refuses to sell when development moves in to the neighborhood. This situation occurs quite often in real life, and the remaining property is called a "nail house" because it...

The Underground Fruit Economy: Fresh Fruit, via Your Neighbors

Have you ever seen a neighbor's fruit left unharvested, all those fruit wasted? Think there's a better way? Though neighbors trading apples for plums isn't exactly new phenomenon, the Internet is changing the way and fue...

The Stories Behind 10 T.V. Theme Songs

You know them and love them (or maybe you hate them) - those T.V. theme songs that are so catchy they get in your head for days and refuse to leave. But how did they come to be in the first place? Here are the stories...

Fisherman Hooks 8-Foot Missile

Commercial fisherman Solomon Rodney snared an 8-foot missile while fishing in the Gulf of Mexico last month.  He tied the missile to the top of his boat and left it there for the remainder of his 14 day trip. ...

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