The Art of Niagara Detroit

Niagara Detroit is an American artist associated with the Lowbrow movement. She was the frontperson for the 80s punk band Destroy All Monsters, but now works primarily in the visual arts. Her dominant motif is portraits of sultry, dangerous women.

Link (kinda NSFWish at times. Also with self-starting audio)

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Niagara's art is something. It's good. It's something I'm proud to display in my house.
If you don't like her, her art, her whatever...ignore it!
There will always be haters. Seems to me that, in life, haters are just jealous people who need to find something they're good at to focus on. Get a hobby. Or don't, and shut up!
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hey dara, instead of wasting your time firing accusations at other people why not refund the people you ripped off on ebay ?
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