Wired has a recipe for an exploding drink called the Manhattan Project. You can try to make it taste like a Manhattan, but its not really necessary. The point is that there will be a delayed-reaction explosion to surprise your guest. Link
Nice! Just don't be a buzzkill and do it over carpet.
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Unfortunately this does not work AT ALL. My sister and I were on vacation and we both purchased Wired magazine where this was published. Unsuspectingly, we both tried to pull the prank on each other. Not only did it not work at all, but it made our drinks taste disgustingly minty.
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This doesn't seem like it would work. The soda would be too flat and the reaction that occurs happens because of the powdery surface of the candy which would dissolve in the water before the cubes froze.
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That's disappointing that it wouldn't work, because that sounds like a pretty nice prank. Is there anyway, with any variation that it could work?
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Sealing it in gelatine might be better.
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Adding a hand grenade would be more reliable...
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I had the same thought. Wouldn't the candy melt when you put it in the water to be frozen? Maybe there is a trick to it.
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If the problem is that the water dissolves the surface of the mentos, then a solution would be to make two ice cube halves with a groove hollowed out in each one large enough for the mentos. You can put the mentos in the groove and fuse the pieces together just by squeezing the two together. The ice will refreeze as soon as you let go. When the ice starts to melt in the drink, the mentos should deploy and surprise the drinker. Make sure the ice is cold enough to not immediately gooey up the mentos.
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@2, Wired would go through the trouble of creating a graphic/etc for this and publish it without testing it? Seems pretty unlikely...
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For those of us with access to liquid nitrogen, freezing the mentos in ice fast would be no problem. Gonna have to try it and report back.
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The picture looks like one of those old ads you used to see on the back of comic books in the 70s.
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