Machine Keeps Heart Beating Outside of Body

Researchers at the North Carolina State University has developed a machine that can keep a heart beating outside the body. The potential medical benefit is huge, though for whatever reason I kept on thinking about Dr. Frankenstein:

"Researchers can obtain pig hearts from a pork processing facility and use the system to test their prototypes or practice new surgical procedures," says Andrew Richards, a Ph. D. student in mechanical engineering at NC State who designed the heart machine.

The computer-controlled machine, which operates using pressurized saline solution, also allows researchers to film the interior workings of the pumping heart - enabling them to ascertain exactly which surgical technologies and techniques perform best for repairing heart valves.

Link - via jwz

Oh, there's a video all right:

[YouTube Clip]

Before you know it, you'll see a testperson that is pulled apart and that lives scattered thoughout the whole lab- Heart here, brain in another corner connected to the WWWeb and some robotic arms and hands next to the original arms and legs. Lungs, kidneys and stomach redundant but just for the sake of science kept working in the next corner. And then some drooling scientists caring and nurturing all over all those parts... Welcome tot the 21st Century in all its Glorious Future! :-(
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I did that to a frog once, in a biology class. The heart kept beating long enough to attach it to a monitoring device (basically drawing the heart's ECG on a paper)
Pretty cool, feeling like the priest in the Raiders of the lost ark ;)
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Welcome to the 1930's. Charles Lindbergh and Dr Alexis Carrel were doing breakthrough research on this 70 years ago:
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That is correct that the heart is not beating. This is especially important with respect to valve function most significantly the left ventricle. Contraction of the ventricle improves valve function for mitral valve repair
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