Popular and Unique Soft Drinks From Around the World

I've never had fungus tea, the cloudy juice left from the fermentation process of kimchee, or fermented dandelion and burdock roots, but I would be willing to try it. Some look downright tasty, like the cinnamon aroma of Guaraná Jesus from Brazil, or the ice cream soda from Pakistan, Pakola.

Almdudler is the brand name of a popular Austrian soft drink. The original Almdudler is a sweetened carbonated beverage flavored with herbs; its flavor is similar to ginger ale or elderflower cordial but with a somewhat stronger and more complex flavor. Almdudler has been called the "national drink of Austria". Its popularity in Austria is second only to Coca Cola; 80 million liters of the beverage are produced yearly.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by notoriousnicholas.

A few of the middle eastern food joints in my area carry this yogurt soda. My friend had one and said it was interesting, but I have yet to try one out myself.
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They Forgot VERNORS!!!

The Ginger Soda ageed for years in Oak casks and usually available only in Michigan and surrounding areas.

It is the oldest soda in the USA and possibly the world
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Good to see Cheerwine on the list...nectar of the southern gods.

Like the next drink down...Kimchee drink! On a hot summer day, nothing goes down easier than fermented spicy cabbage juice! I am a fan of kimchee so I'll have to try some before I knock it too much.
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The yoghurt soda... I bought some middle eastern food at a mart near my place, and I decided, Why not, Ill try this weird yoghurt soda drink as well, I mean it should go with the food right?

I opened it and drank.. and it tasted like cheese in seltzerwater... in a bad way
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Author left this note:

Note: If I have not listed an important soft drink, please let me know in the comments section, and I will post a "Popular and Unique Soft Drinks From Around the World Part 2."
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I'm too familiar with Japanese stuff to really be fazed by their weird drinks anymore. OTOH, while stuff like Calpis and Pocari Sweat (which is basically citrus Gatorade) are thoroughly everyday there, the really strange stuff does in fact give Japanese pause as well as the rest of us.
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No Pocari Sweat! I mean, who doesn't want a sweaty Pocari in canned form? Sadly, I think we missed this pearl of marketing genius from Japan. Japan, which is japanese for "the place where everything can be purchased from a vending machine".
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The Sarsi featured there is not the same as the Sarsi I remember. ?? The Sarsi I remember was like the Philippines version of RC Cola. Not quite entirely a cola taste and not like a root beer. Kind of in between.

Vimto and Vegitabeta are missing. I'll remedy that with a quick note to the author. :)
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Vodx, my family used to spend spring breaks in Austin, TX, with relatives (because we were too poor to take real vacations). We'd always bring back Vernors ginger ale, because it wasn't available in stores in the part of North Texas where we lived.

Now you can go to Albertsons and get it. Wonderful stuff. I've also had a Jamaican ginger ale served at a vegetarian restaurant in Dallas (I haven't seen this in stores). I don't recall the name of the brand, just that it was so spicy it just about took the top of my head off.
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One of the features of my wedding reception was an array of soft drinks ... one each of over 100 different brands/flavors. Many were bought at Galco's Soda Pop Stop - check out www.sodapopstop.com . (I'm told that the cucumber soda - Mr Q. Cumber - was surprisingly refreshing.) I'm partial to birch beers, myself - like root beer, but with a subtle to pronounced wintergreen tang depending on the brand.
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