Bullet Removed After 42 Years

65-year-old Hou Guoying recently had a bullet removed that had been lodged in her face for 42 years! She was shot accidently during the Cultural Revolution in China in 1967.
The bullet apparently hit her when it ricocheted through a wall during a fight in between rival factions of Red Guards.

But doctors initially told her that her wound was only superficial, the Chongqing News reported.

Constant headaches and difficulty eating eventually led to an x-ray in 1978 that revealed the bullet.

She had refused an operation because of poor medical facilities in Chongqing at the time - resulting in three more decades of discomfort.

This year, the pain began to spread to the rest of her body, so the bullet finally came out. Hou is recovering from the surgery. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Bullet-In-Face-China-Housewife-Hou-Guoying-Has-Op-To-Remove-Bullet-Stuck-In-Her-Face-For-42-Years/Article/200905415289930?lpos=World_News_First_World_News_Article_Teaser_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15289930_Bullet_In_Face%3A_China_Housewife_Hou_Guoying_Has_Op_To_Remove_Bullet_Stuck_In_Her_Face_For_42_Years -via Arbroath

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I think it's amazing she actually endured the pain for so many years, before she was finally convinced that medical facilities in her country had improved enough for her to have the bullet removed.
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