I go to a private school that is rather strict. Recently, the principal and school teacher council released a (very long) list of books we're not allowed to read. I was absolutely appalled, because a large number of the books were classics and others that are my favorites. One of my personal favorites, The Catcher in the Rye, was on the list, so I decided to bring it to school to see if I would really get in trouble. Well... I did but not too much. Then (surprise!) a boy in my English class asked if he could borrow the book, because he heard it was very good AND it was banned!
I hope that the school administrators were actually trying to trick students into reading, and weren't so foolish as to imagine that banning books would lead to teenagers not reading them.
Link via Jessamyn West
image by flickr user florian.b used under creative commons license
I'll reiterate my comment from there:
"...I don't know how anyone with internet access these days doesn't start with the basic assumption that everything they read is false until proven otherwise and with multiple sources. Kind of a wikipedia approach to everything."
Neatorama, BoingBoing, Fark, Reddit, and Digg linking and posting around in a ring like the tail-devouring snake Ouroborus, yet with no fact checking between them.
Like 90% of banned book articles ...
Another point, her previous question on Yahoo Answers went something like, "what are some commonly banned books? My school doesn't ban any, I'm just curious." She said that her friend went to a school where some books were banned, but that her own school had no such policy.
Also, after people online started taking this seriously, and asking where they could DONATE MONEY TO HER she disabled the ability to search her previous questions. I was going to post on BB about it and I went from one of her questions to another, and when I tried to go to the next, she'd disabled the feature that lets users see what questions she'd asked, as well as the ability to contact her, both of which were available when I started.
Just to top things off, in the question she is being praised for, she talks about not wanting to "pollute her library" with Twilight, but in one of her other questions she refers to it as one of her favorites.
Several of her questions were simply her vetting ideas for her own writings (nothing wrong with that), and some suggest that this question is simply that, no harm done. Howver, I've heard many people suggest that she open a PayPal account so that people could donate money, and I've heard other suggest that she be given a full scholarship to wherever she wants to go. I know this kind of thing pulls at the geek heartstrings, but please don't buy into it.
Maybe I'm a cynic, but I don't believe this story for a second.
I'd like to defend myself, but you are all correct. I should have been way more skeptical and found a more reliable source for this story before posting it. Sloppy work on my part.
Hahahaha. FAIL. Good job at that too!
Hahaha! Fake.
The internet is filled with detectives!
I must remember, never post anything interesting on the net, or I will find my garden full of youtube commenters shouting "TeH Fake!" and "yr ghey!"
Yeah, because we all know *that* really happened...:::cough:::
Too bad it's a hoax. I wish whoever 'Kat' really is had put this much work and creativity into something useful.
(OK, besides 'useful'='inspiring a bunch of dorks on the net to research and quibble about it')
Come on.