Archive for May 26th, 2009

A Little Help: Hunt for Rogue Ad on Neatorama

We noticed a few comments complaining about ads with sound on Neatorama. We'd like to apologize for that and we want you to know that it's not cool - we don't purposely run ads with self-playing audio on the blogUnfortun...

Honey Baked Ham Cupcakes

This honey cake is baked inside a Honey Baked Ham shell and topped with a lovely little slice of pineapple. It is a one up to the meat to cake ratio of the bacon cupcake. Linkcupcakes, bacon, ham...

Plush Star Wars Tauntaun

This masterpeice was entered in the upcoming Stitch Wars exhibit at the Bear and Bird Boutique + Gallery in Florida. The little blue Luke Skywalker is zipped inside for a super Star Wars surprise. Link Via CraftZi...

Wolfram Alpha: Blind to The Blogosphere

Since its debut a little over a week ago, I've been playing with Wolfram|Alpha. For those of you who don't know, it is an ambitious project by Stephen Wolfram (of Mathematica...

Student Thwarts School's Book Ban by Forming Secret Lending Library

A pseudonymous (presumably) student named Kat Atreides responded to her school's ban on a large number of books by forming a secret library in her locker, and then loaning out banned books to students: I go to a p...

Prisoners Smuggle In Stuff with a Toy Chopper

Remember the story of how prisoners in Brazil have been smuggling in cell phones using pigeons? Well, that's low tech compared to what these other prisoners did:Four suspects were arrested late on Sunday outside a ma...

Trivia Hunt at mental_floss: Win $100!

Our pal mental_floss is having another trivia hunt: over the course of 5-days, they will present a trivia challenge - the first to submit the right answers will win a $100 shopping spree in their store.Check it out: Link...

Andrew Krasnow's Gruesome Human Skin Art

The Nazis at Buchenwald concentration camp did it. And so did serial killer Ed Gein. Now, Andrew Krasnow is making sculptures and lampshades out of human skin, all in the name of art:His works include human skin lamp...

World's Youngest Pool Shark

Whatever you do, don't bet on a game of pool with two-year-old Keith O'Dell Jr! Neatoramanauts, meet the world's youngest pool shark. He may still in diapers, but this pool prodigy can surely whip my butt!Hit play or go...

Mamma Mia! Girl in Coma Woke Up Singing ABBA Song

I've always liked ABBA, and now I like 'em even more because apparently their music can miraculously awaken someone from a coma! Here's the story of how 3-year-old Layla Towsey woke up from a meningitis coma, singing *em...

Amazing Folded Paper Art by Simon Schubert

We've featured a lot of cool and neat stuff on Neatorama, but I dare say this is really hard to beat. Behold, the embossed drawings of Simon Schubert: - via Paper Forestpap...

South Pacific

The musical South Pacific was a Broadway hit and then a blockbuster movie. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental floss will show how much you know about this classic. I was surprised to score 82%, because it's been...

The Man Who Sues

Despite being incarcerated at a federal prison in Kentucky, Jonathan Lee Riches has made it into the Guiness Book of World Records. He was named as the person who has filed the most lawsuit ever. So what did he do next?...

Miniature Godzilla Scene

Check out this whimsical and intricate miniature featuring the giant monster we all know and love: Godzilla! This 1:12 scale scene of an impending house demolition was built by a miniature creator named Annie, and you...

Tingling Thigh Syndrome

If you are one who is willing to suffer for fashion, you might have a pair or two of the stylish "skinny jeans". If so, you need to know about meralgia paresthetica, or “tingling thigh syndrome.” It feels as if your...

Pygmy Jerboa

(YouTube link) This little guy looks like a cartoon character! He's a Pygmy Jerboa {wiki}, of which there are several species native to Asia. -via Arbroathjerboa...

Top Ten New Species

Scientists have announced the top ten new species first described in 2008. On the list are a pea-sized seahorse, caffeine-free coffee and bacteria that live in hairspray. The top 10 new species also include the ver...

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