10 Failed Toy Lines Based on Movies

Because Star Wars created a demand for movie toys (and none existed when the movie premiered), toy companies now make them available before they know whether the movie is a hit or a bomb. This makes for lots of wasted product when a movie tanks. Topless Robot has ten examples they should have seen coming. I had no idea there were action figures for Battlefield Earth! I want one, just for the kitsch value. Link -via Digg

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Now, if people were smart, these would be the figures they'd collect and store away for 40 years in their original packaging.

Instead, everyone swarmed Toys R Us to buy the Episode 1 figures, which won't be worth squat since everyone and his brother bought two and sealed them away.
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Ethnic slur towards Japanese people? Not really, but then again, I'm a white guy so I don't see it from a different perspective. The only part which could be concidered offencsive was the "brack toe" joke in the sushi bar, which I got a chuckle out of. My sister had an asian friend which shared an interest in "engrish" humor, so I guess I never though anything of it. People living in Japan are quite xenophobic too though, I mean, they only had an atomic bomb dropped on them only 60 years ago so I kind of expect that. If people can keep up wars for 400 years, 60 years isn't a very long time. Havn't seen Valkyrie, but I did think The Last Sumruari that Cruise in was good.
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"Doesn’t take much for a movie to flop, but support it with a religion and it’ll get the crap slammed out of it."

Y'mean like "Valkyrie"? With Hollywood in this current pathetic state, I try to keep it to "Product, not person". Most actors' social lives are so effed up you can't ignore it, but I try.

Didn't "Lost in Translation" strike you as one long ethnic slur? If you made that movie about blacks in South Africa, you'd be burned at the stake! (there's that Salem reference, again...)
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