Archive for May 17th, 2009

Jazz Hands!

This Flickr pool puts all kinds of photos of jazz hands together. Most are pictures of people with splayed fingers, but some, like this warning sign, may be unintentionally jazzy. Link -via Buzzfeed (image credit: F...

One Sentence Commencement Speeches

Frank Warren, the artist behind Post Secret, recently delivered the commencement address at St. Mary's College in Maryland. In preparation for it, he asked members of the graduating class to write a one-sentence respons...

A Heavenly Message in Fried Salami

Nancy Simoes of Southwest Miami-Dade County, Florida, was in the kitchen cooking her family's favorite dish of fried salami when she got a heavenly message:"I had only three pieces in my skillet, and then as I w...

Alfabet in Huid: Typeface Made From Skin and Clothespins

Photo: Arjan Benning We've seen quite a few creative alphabets, but probably none as weird (and painful) as this set, made with clothespin and skin. It's called alfabet in huid (typeface in skin) by Thijs Verbeek.Link -...

The Many Sides of Shel Silverstein

Most of us are familiar with Shel Silverstein through his amazing works of art and poetry for children. But Sheldon Alan Silverstein was a lot more than that, so to honor the 10th anniversary of his passing, here are a...

Study Ball Makes Sure You Study

How many times have you begun to study for an exam and after 30 minutes get distracted and move on to doing something else, and at the end you are left with no other choice but to stay up all night studying for that fi...

How Long Do Animals Live?

The folks at Did You Know? have compiled a long list of average life expectancies of many, many animals. Including everything from ants (1-3yrs) to humans (70-80yrs) to the Galapagos land tortoise (193yrs!) Get ready to...

14 Times the Luck!

If you thought a four-leaf clover was lucky, check out this thing: it's a 56-leaf clover. The clover was found by Japanese farmer and clover expert Shigeo Obara, featured previously on Neatorama. That's a lot of clover l...

We Hatch, We Fly - the Bizarre Maleo

The Maleo bird of Sulawesi has a unique way of looking after its young - if looking after is how it could be described.  It buries its eggs and abandons them, having nothing more to do with their rearing.&n...

Army Soldier's Boxers Make Him Famous

Boxers or briefs?  That is the age old question most guys ponder. For one Fort Worth soldier currently based in Afghanistan, his preference was revealed in a widely circulated photo that has made him famous. 19-year...

Man Robs Store with Banana, Eats Evidence

John Steven Szwalla was arrested for attempted armed robbery of a computer cafe in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He approached the store owner, Bobby Ray Mabe while pointing something that was under his shirt. Mabe and...

Chalkboard Glassware

These glasses make it easy to identify whose drink belongs to who at a party. Then when a person gets to the point where they can't spell their own name, you know they've had too many! Link -via Unique Daily Drink, gl...

10 People Who Gave Their Name To Food

Have you ever wondered who the Alfredo in Fettuccine Alfredo was? Or The Salisbury in Salisbury steak? Listverse has the stories of those whose names are left behind in the foods we eat. Crêpes Suzette (thin panca...

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