Archive for May 16th, 2009

The Elephant Padlock

Crooked Brains blog has a very spiffy collection of antique and unusual padlocks, from back in the days where any household item was an opportunity for showing off craftmanship.Link - via somethinbeautifulFrom the Up...

Why Snails Are Slow: Survival!

Why are snails so slow? Roberto Nespolo and Paulina Artacho of the Southern University of Chile may have the answer: turns out, evolution favors slower snails because they are more energy efficient.Testing the biolog...

Is It A Bird? A plane? No, It's The Deep Flight Super Falcon!

Marine engineer Graham Hawkes' latest creation, Deep Flight Super Falcon is a $1.5 million battery-powered winged submarine is just like a plane, except it "flies" underwater: A single rear-mounted prope...

The Most Important Telescopes in History

This year is the International Year of Astronomy, so to help all of us armchair astronomers celebrate, New Scientist has a nifty gallery of the most important telescopes in history (from Eyes on the Skies: 400 Years of T...

Stop Sign Flower by Mark Jenkins

Mark Jenkins (featured before on Neatorama for his tape sculptures) made this whimsical "stop sign flower" in Washington DC. Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest, though this probaby breaks quite...

Orangutan Attempts Escape

No one can deny that this Adelaide, South Australia, orangutan is smart. She managed to deliberately short circuit an electric fence with a stick, and was building a mound out of grass and sticks in the ditch in order...

Let Sleeping Pigs Lie

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]These piglets are just trying to get a little shuteye, but some humans have found a way to make them twitch their ears in unison.From the Upcoming ueue,...

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