Amazing Picture of the Sun

Astrophotographer Thierry Legault took what is probably one of the most incredible photographs of the Sun. What's the big deal about the big yellow ball? Look closely:

OK, so you look at it and say, "So what? It’s a picture of the quiet Sun seen in overcast conditions. Big deal!"

Ah, but a big deal it is. See those spots in the lower left quadrant of our nearest star? Those aren’t sunspots… here, let me show you what those are:

Yes, that is in fact the Space Shuttle Atlantis silhouetted against the Sun. But wait, there’s something else, isn’t there. What’s that spot below the Shuttle?

That, me droogs, is the Hubble Space Telescope. Perhaps you’ve heard of it.

Holy Haleakala!

Link - via google

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by mrsmojorisin.

That is an astonishing photo.

For more fun over the next few days (morning in the US), check the live NASA TV feed for spacewalks and a much closer view of that same telescope you may have heard of.
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Where would this great nation be without doubt? (cue "Battle Hymn of the Republic")

What if we just blindly believed that Saddam Hussein had WMD's, or that Cheerios cures heart disease? That "one size fits all", "the check's in the mail', or "I won't blank in your mouth"?

Maybe all Argentinians ARE corrupt, all Muslims ARE wife beaters, and those ARE Pam Anderson's real breasts ?

NEVER, I say, and I'm proud to live in the greatest free country in the world, united under the banner: "Your mileage may vary !"
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@ Guest

Language, friend, language !

What's wrong with me is that I'm a middle-aged American who's been lied to far too many times to believe anything that didn't happen right in my lap.

@ Johnny Cat

My disbelief in "photographic evidence" started with my first copy of Photoshop in the Eighties. That sheep thing was pretty cool, though.
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