Got $15,000? You Too Can Intern at HuffPo!

Want to "jumpstart your career in the blogosphere" with an internship at one of the world's largest blogs? Arianna Huffington's blog Huffington Post, currently ranked #1 by Technorati, has an opening. But there's a catch: you have to pay at least $15,000 ...

Forget a paying internship. Forget working for free. You're going to have to fork over more than $13,000 if you want to intern at HuffPo.

Oh, and did we mention you'd only be there for two or three months? At least you get to pick which office you'd work at -- New York or D.C.

Incredibly, so far 10 people have bid on the internship, which is "valued" at $500, on online auction site HuffPost founder Arianna Huffington donated the internship.


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This will give some young intern the opportunity to learn how to promote all the pseudoscientic non-sense that is becoming the hallmark of the ridiculous Huff. Po.

Skidworth: Give me a break. Conservatives have done everything they can to break the backs of America's working class who do the real sweating and toiling. I just feel sorry for the workers who vote against their own best interests to elect these people based on some non-existent ideology.
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I just went to that blog. It seems cold and difficult to actually read any of the articles without having to click a bunch of times.

Plus, it's all liberal-looking, which doesn't appeal to me.

I'm surprised someone would pay a ton of money for that.
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Thurston Howell III heh heh heh.
everytime i see Jim Backus on an old TV show or an old movie, i laugh at TH III. what a great character, just like Jethro and Barney Fife.
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This money is for charity? Right. Buy your way into the club and say your doing it for the little people. Reminds me of benefit parties done in the name of charity. Right. It's a good excuse to indulge yourself and offer a token to your guilty, hypocritical conscience. Whoever actually takes that job deserves to have that black mark on their resume. Pathetic.
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