Hello everybody - I'd like to take a minute and give you an update on all things Neatorama.
Mystery Sale - Thank you to everyone who participated! We've been working hard to improve the turnaround time. The first wave of shipment has started - we will be sending out packages for the next week or two. Unfortunately, I don't know whose packages will be shipped when. We'll have another update soon!
Upcoming Queue - We continue to be pleased with your submissions to the Neatorama Upcoming Queue. As a token of our appreciation, the top 5 submitters (well, 6 actually since the last position is a three-way tie) of April 2009 will get free stuff from the store (oh, let's pick one: the Ice Invaders Ice Tray).
We will continue to reward top submitters of the UQ. As the feature is still new, you stand a very good chance in being a top submitter (For hints on how to get your posts promoted to the front page, please read the UQ FAQ and Tips).
Round Up - We've never really done any weekly round up summarizing the neatest and greatest posts on the blog, and I think it's time that we start doing that. Since the beginning of May, we've done 155 posts on Neatorama. That's a lot of posts to keep track, so here are a few noteworthy ones in case you missed them:
- Neatorama's Facebook Fan Page - I don't know what you guys do at Facebook (I'm a luddite that way), but thanks to Neatoramanaut Becky, we now have a Facebook Fan Page. Becky told me that right after the post, the page got 300 fans. It's at a little above 800 fans the last time I checked. Plus all those nice comments on the "Wall." Maybe I should join Facebook after all ...
- Most controversial: Churchgoers Are More Likely to Support Torture
- WTF-iest (is that a word? It should be!): Meet the Woolies
- Cutest: Sonya Loves Her Nom Noms (though I did get emails chastising me about allowing such a post on Neatorama as it legitimizes/will-only-serve-to-encourage people to get slow lorises as pets)
- Best UQ post: America's First Face Transplant Patient Hopes Her Story Teaches People Not To Judge, submitted by Geekazoid
- Mea culpa: Cab Driver Becomes Star For Good Deed - in this UQ frontpaged post, we painted Argentina with a too-broad-of-a-brush. My apologies to our neighbors to the South (See what you did, baiwabel ;) )
- Neatest exclusive posts on Neatorama: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Emoticons :) | The Hindenburg - What Happened? | Music Tidbits: Perry Farrell
- ... and my favorite post: 200 New Frog Species Found: Madagascar Shut. Down. Everything!! (Though to understand it, you have to have played Pandemic 2 or be up with the Web shenanigans)
What do you think? Should we do a weekly round up of sorts?
Alex: since the acceleration of posting, maybe a weekly round up/best of would be interesting for the people visiting less frequently.
And out of curiosity : what was the most viewed Neatorama page?
@Christophe - that's an interesting suggestion. The most viewed Neatorama page is the homepage, but the most viewed post of May (so far) is the 10 Things You Didn't Know about Emoticons article.
I was hoping for an iPod! No, really, it was a neat surprise to get in the mail. :D