Archive for May 11th, 2009

The World Outside of World of Warcraft is Now Superfluous

Gamers at MIT have built a self-contained life pod in which to play World of Warcraft. It features a built-in toilet, three days worth of food rations, fresh water, and a small cookstove. Thanks to these Prometheus...

Piano Duet

[youtube=][YouTube - Link]Here's a wonderful impromptu piano performance at the Mayo Clinic by 90-year-old Marlo Cowan and his wife of 62 years, Fran.  A cheerful reminder o...

Bets You Can't Lose

The following is reprinted from Uncle John's Unstoppable Bathroom Reader book. Psst! Do you need a sure-fire way to make money on bets that you absolutely, positively cannot lose? (Bar fights afterward...

Metallica in Bluegrass, Cello, and ... Even Kazoo!

John of The Zeray Gazette has a neat compilation of various video clips of Enter Sandman, the iconic song by Metallica, as covered by others and played in um, different genres. Included are: Enter Sandman as per...

World Superhero Registry

Ever wanted to be a superhero? What's stopping you? Here's a list of real life superheroes - people who don costumes and fight crime/do good as listed in the World Superhero Registry (yes, a website dedicated to finding...

Don't Panic: Typographical Art by Stefan Chinof

WebUrbanist blog has a really nifty round up of 15 artworks done through typography. This one above is by Bulgarian illustrator Stefan Chinof, who uses the negative space to spell out "Don't Panic."Linktypograp...

Moon Reach Ladder by Mike Mak

"Reach for the moon" is easier said than done, so when you hear someone utter this oft-overused phrase, kindly point them out to this ladder by Hong Kong Designer Mike Mak. The "Moon Reach Ladder" ins...

Saudi Judge: Slapping a Spendthrift Wife is OK

Not content with allowing old men to marry underaged girls, a Saudi Arabia judge is doing one better in promoting equal treatment of womenkind in the Kingdom:Husbands are allowed to slap their wives if they spend lav...

Village of Twins

The worldwide rate of twins is one in every 80 births. In India, the normal rate is lower, only one 250 births. But in the village of Kodinhi, in the Indian state of Kerala, there are at least 250 sets of twins in a popu...

Paragliding Cops

Officers of the Palm Bay Police Department in Florida keep an eye on a large area by using motorized paragliders! Police Chief Bill Berger says they are a way for the department to have a bird's eye view of the sem...

Steven Wright or Mitch Hedberg?

How well do you know your comedians? In today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss, you'll be given a quote and you decide whether the line is from Steven Wright or Mitch Hedberg. I surprised myself by scoring 79% just by...

The World's Happiest Places

The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development released a new study ranking the world's nations by the happiness levels of their citizens. According to the published results, northern Europeans are the happi...

Never Ending Sun

(YouTube link) Summer in the Arctic Circle means 24-hour daylight. The sun doesn't set; it just bounces along the horizon! This time-lapse video covers a week of Arctic summertime. Music by Avi Hochberg. -via baszkoc...

The Sap Cap

It looks like an ordinary baseball cap. But slip steel inserts into the Sap Cap, and you have a weapon. "Beat on muggers like you are The Skipper and they are Gilligan." Link via Hell in a Handbasketsap cap, bla...

Star Trek as a Liberal/Progressive Vision of the Future

Michael Westmoreland-White sees the Star Trek universe as a liberal or progressive vision of the future, featuring things such as racial and gender equality, free universal health care, and an absence of imperalism. I'm...

60 Years in an Iron Lung

Martha Mason of Lattimore, North Carolina was a victim of polio that left her paralyzed from the neck down when she was a child. She breathed with the help of an iron lung which encased her body, leaving only her head fr...

Tracking the Roomba

Blogger Signaltheorist decided to evaluate the efficiency of the Roomba by tracking its movements: I set up a photo camera in my room, turned out all the lights and took a long-exposure shot of my roomba doing...

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