Cab Driver Becomes Star For Good Deed

In a corrupt society like Argentina, an honest man is hard to find. Yet, when an elderly couple left $32,500 in his cab, Santiago Gori hunted them down and returned every penny. Stunned by such honesty, Argentines began donating to him via a web site that was set up in his honor. So far the equivalent of $14,580 has been donated, according to the site.

"Thank you", say many of the messages and one said it all: "I wish more people were like you."

Link - via holeinthedonut

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by baweibel.

Update 5/11/09 - It's just come to my attention of the statement describing Argentina as corrupt. They're not my words (this was a post from the Upcoming Queue, written by the submitter) and I do not agree with such a broad and overreaching statement.

While I will leave the post up in its entirety, I'd like to express my apologies to our Argentinian readers. As a clarification, the statement is not the belief of the blog.

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Alberto: puto, traga leche por boca y por el culo. Como no te vas a hacer fumigar el orto a vos y a la puta de tu madre que te engendro. Como no te vas a hacer culiar con un camion lleno de burros simoqueños la puta que re mil pario. Y despues podes ponerte a chupar pijas a un portavion lleno de marines gays de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica.
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I just want to clarify that those are NOT direct donations. They are "offered goods and services" for free and the amount in the site is what they calculate is the value of those goods and services.

Personally, I find the whole thing more like a great promotion for the guys that did the website that a real help for the cab driver that suppousedly has to contact this donors to actually get those goods and services... (sigh).

The cab driver did give that money back and it is not the first time it happens. Not all cab drivers are crooks, not all argentinians are corrupt.

BTW I am from Argentina and I live in the US. Argentina's society is a bit more corrupt that let's say the Swiss, but during the Bush administration my motto was "The US is getting Argentinized". The whole Bush era made the US look like any other bananaland country out there.
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LAmento tener que leer semejante barbaridad, aca en Argentina no todos son corruptos, hay gente buena, asi que el que esribio eso se puede meter las palabras por el culo...
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si queres hablar de corrupción averiguá quien es Alperovich,en Tucuman, Argentina.. eso si es corrupto en serio, no toda la sociedad.
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