Kids Albums from the Seventies

Remember the days before Nick Jr, Cartoon Network, video games, and iPods?  What did kids do for fun?  They listened to records! 

Here's a bunch of interesting photos of kids music record covers.  Some of them have really neat cover art.  If you're of the right age, they may bring back some memories... If not, just revel in the love of the 70s retro!

From Nancy Dorsner's blog Dabbled:

Not long ago, my parents were cleaning out their attic, and sent me a bunch of old records (remember those things?) from when I and my brother were kids. I thought they were too cool not to share - some for the memories, some for the interesting album artwork.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Dot.

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Ok - I had an album I'd love to buy again for myboybut can't recall the artist - can anyone help?allihiporhinocrocadilligator. I loved it and great cover too ifi recall. Thanks
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I had the Red Baron album! Creepy, no?
Not what I would have chosen to beat the Peanuts copyright, but what the hell?
Does anyone else miss the 12 1/4" by 12 1/4" image format as much as I do? And not just for de-seeding your weed on...

And yes, I just measured one.
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