Cooks in Liberia are wily geniuses when it comes to recycling stuff. No oven? Not a problem - just take an old Blockbuster Video Quik Drop box and make it into one!
Details over at AfriGadget:
They showed me the oven, a big metal cabinet against the far wall; looks like a refrigerator on legs, to allow a coal pit to fit under the bottom, but when I get near it, I see it’s a Blockbuster Quick Drop Booth! The front, where the slit had been closed, faces the wall and the back door is to access the oven; inside are several fridge trays, on which they lay the pans. The door is then locked with a simple bolt and sealed all around with wet cloths.
The cake was fabulous.
Link - via BB Gadgets
Comments (3)
Fridge trays are coated with flakey chrome. It burns off, along with all the other inappropriate materials in this oven, to make toxins.