Sluice (2009) by Kate MccGwire
Bits of bones and pigeon feathers may be garbage to you and me, but not to artist Kate MccGwire. The London-based artist used thousands of discarded pigeon feathers to create amazing works of art.
In this interview with Kate, Don't Panic Magazine asks: why pigeon feathers?
I am currently using pigeon feathers as they come from a bird that is generally reviled - regarded as vermin and referred to as ‘rats with wings’. I started to collect pigeon feathers that moulted from the birds in a shed next to my studio – I realised that they were actually very beautiful. - via dontpaniconline
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by JJA.
and dont worry about any health hazards, u cant get anything from touching those feathers. however u can get sick from touching people, specially the evilbeagle ... so hatefull.
pigeons dont transmitted diseaes hmmmmm, not a lot, matter of fact i havent heard of any diseases that are transmitted thry pigeons.
your dog beagle on the other hand can transmit way more than any bird could. and guess what u live with the dog, sleep with the dog, he licks your face, climbs all over furniture, pissing in the house, and other biz u know what..
let me not get into the parasites u can get from just touching the dog, and not to mention letting him lick your face..
so leave the pigeons alone , specially if u dont know what you talking about.
this is art..
and please before you embaras yourself do some research about wild life that shares the cities with us