She and a pal printed and stuck up hundreds of posters at train stations and office blocks around the city where her fiance and their friends work.
A picture - taken from Antonio's Facebook profile - shows him nestling his head between a girl's naked boobs.
"Thank goodness there's Facebook! At least I've disovered you're a traitor pig before the wedding! Signed, your former betrothed bride and the 548 guests of our wedding," wrote Valeria, 28.
Link (Photo: EuroPics)
At least he's facing out!
Too bloody true.
"And no, just because it happens at a bachelor party with a stripper doesn’t mean that it’s not cheating."
How is this cheating?
"if you found a pic of your fiance with a penis resting on her head on facebook before your wedding i’m sure you would not be thrilled with her."
Breasts aren't genitals.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'd behave like an adult, and not a sad little cliche like this woman.