The outbreak of swine flu, first in Mexico then cases all over the world, has gotten a lot of people worried. And for a very good reason: despite the existence of scarier diseases caused by exotic viruses like Hantavirus and Ebola, influenza still reigns as the number one infectious killer in modern times.
Unlike regular seasonal epidemics of the flu, there are also rare but deadly pandemics, i.e. cases of influenza that spread on a worldwide scale and infect a large proportion of the human population.
While it's important not to panic (the swine flu appears to be highly treatable with conventional antiviral drugs), a review of past pandemics will elucidate why authorities are responding quickly to this outbreak. Here's a quick summary of the 5 deadliest pandemics in history:
1. The Peloponnesian War Pestilence
The very first pandemic in recorded history was described by Thucydides. In 430 BC, during the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta, the Greek historian told of a great pestilence that wiped out over 30,000 of the citizens of Athens (roughly one to two thirds of all Athenians died).
Thucydides described the disease as such "People in good health were all of a sudden attacked by violent heats in the head, and redness and inflammation in the eyes, the inward parts, such as the throat or tongue, becoming bloody and emitting an unnatural and fetid breath." Next came coughing, diarrhea, spasms, and skin ulcers. A handful survived, but often without their fingers, sights, and even genitals (Source)
Until today, the disease that decimated ancient Athens has yet to be identified.
2. The Antonine Plague
In 165 AD, Greek physician Galen described an ancient pandemic, now thought to be smallpox, that was brought to Rome by soldiers returning from Mesopotamia. The disease was named after Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, one of two Roman emperors who died from it.
At its height, the disease killed some 5,000 people a day in Rome. By the time the disease ran its course some 15 years later, a total of 5 million people were dead.
3. The Plague of Justinian
In 541-542 AD, there was an outbreak of a deadly disease in the Byzantine Empire. At the height of the infection, the disease, named the Plague of Justinian after the reigning emperor Justinian I, killed 10,000 people in Constantinople every day. With no room nor time to bury them, bodies were left stacked in the open.
By the end of the outbreak, nearly half of the inhabitants of the city were dead. Historians believe that this outbreak decimated up to a quarter of human population in the eastern Mediterranean. (source)
What was the culprit? It was the bubonic plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This outbreak, the first known bubonic plague pandemic in recorded human history, marked the first of many outbreaks of plague - a disease that claimed as many as 200 million lives throughout history.
4. The Black Death
After the Plague of Justinian, there were many sporadic oubreaks of the plague, but none as severe as the Black Death of the 14th century.
While no one knows for certain where the disease came from (it was thought that merchants and soldiers carried it over caravan trading routes), the Black Death took a heavy toll on Europe. The fatality was recorded at over 25 million people or one-fourth of the entire population. (source)
It's interesting to note that the Black Death actually came in three forms: the bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic plague. The first, the bubonic plague, was the most common: people with this disease have buboes or enlarged lymphatic glands that turn black (caused by decaying of the skin while the person is still alive). Without treatment, bubonic plague kills about half of those infected within 3 to 7 days.
In pneumonic plague, droplets of aerosolized Y. pestis bacteria are transmitted from human to human by coughing. Unless treated with antibiotics in the first 24 hours, almost 100% of people with this form of infection die in 2 to 4 days.
The last form, septicemic plague, happens when the bacteria enter the blood from the lymphatic or respiratory system. Patients with septicemic plague develop gangrenes in their fingers and toes, which turn the skin black (which gives the disease its moniker) Though rare, this form of the disease is almost always fatal - often killing its victims the same day the symptoms appear. (Photo and Source: Insecta-Inspecta)
We haven't heard the last of the bubonic plague. In 1855, another bubonic plague epidemic (named the Third Epidemic) hit the world - this time, the initial outbreak was in Yunnan Province, China. Human migration, trade and wars helped the disease spread from China to India, Africa, and the Americas.
All in all, this pandemic lasted about 100 years (it officially ended in 1959) and claimed over 12 million people in India and China alone.
5. The Spanish Flu
Emergency military hospital at Camp Funston, Kansas (Image: National Museum
of Health and Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington
D.C.) via PLoS
In March 1918, in the last months of World War I, an unusually virulent and deadly flu virus was identified in a US military camp in Kansas. Just 6 months later, the flu had become a worldwide pandemic in all continents.
When the Spanish Flu pandemic was over, about 1 billion people or half the world's population had contracted it. It is perhaps the most lethal pandemic in the history of humankind: between 20 and 100 million people were killed, more the number killed in the war itself (Source)
The Spanish Flu actually didn't originate in Spain - it got its name because at the time, Spain wasn't involved in the war and had not imposed wartime censorship, thus it received great press attention there.
Recently, scientists were able to "resurrect" the virus from a well-preserved corpse buried in the permafrost of Alaska.
To decimate something means to kill one in ten, from the Roman military punishment.
The question is, if a pandemic comes, will the world be better or worse for it? Population crash would be very disruptive (quite apart from the suffering) but would it leave a simpler more open world with less competition for resources?
At present people live in areas which are not really suited for humans because of overcrowding. Would they be free to migrate into areas freed up by the death of half the world's people?
Or, would the turmoil that follows such a fall lead to more and bloodier wars than we've ever seen?
Remember Bush's "Bird Flu" speech? And how many have died from it world-wide? (The disease, not the speech...)
Now, there's a point - how do creationists view the emergence of new strains of virus? It's hard to see how they can say it's all pre-existing.
Did i miss something in this post that makes this make sense?
I think they just say Satan did it, or just go silent and say nothing.
It seems like every other year there is a new or returning disease to scare people. All the media coverage seems to do is reenforce American's xenophobic hatred of foreigners.
I'm a creationist. I believe that through adaptation genes can be switched off and on to create variations in species and things like new virus strains can emerge. There are almost unlimited variations possible. I don't believe that totally new species can arise though. However, sometimes the different variations in a single species can appear drastic, as in dogs for example. Zoologist Walter Veith does a good of explaining this. I studied evolution in college and have made an informed choice about what I believe. I still continue to research this topic because it interests me. I love science :) In care you're wondering why God would make viruses to become so harmful- I don't think that was His ideal. Because of the increasing evil (bad or whatever you want to call it) in this world creatures have used their God given awesomeness to adapt in order to survive. We have free choice. He doesn't force us all to be good or even to honor Him.
you are right!
Don't be silly. That epidemic didn't affect Europeans so it doesn't count.
But seriously, that's a good point. The combination of influenza, small pox, and various other diseases that were introduced from Europe killed millions and is a pretty big omission.
Also, interesting factoid: the Spanish called the 1918 flu the "French Flu". Kinda like how syphilis was called "French disease" in Italy and "Italian disease" in France.
To decimate something means to kill one in ten, from the Roman military punishment ---
Sure you can: In that case you have killed 1/40th of the population. ;-)
That's an interesting view point, but what of this ‘increasing evil' you speak of? How do you actually gauge evil and how do you know it has increased over the years. Is it increasing by percentage because the world’s population is going up, or just because you’re more informed of it's happening through the media?
Anyways, I'm veering off topic, but I'd have to say your combination of belief system and scientific knowledge is an interesting conjunction.
Once the variations grow drastic enough wouldn't that be considered a new species? It seems like your point of view isn't really that different from that of evolution with the exception of a semantic argument over how one defines "species".
Meh, I don't know if an asteroid can do that. Mother Nature has tried time and time again to stamp out human beings, our brethren the rats and cockroaches will vouch for us.
Alex, I tripped the auto mod again!
...I'm not quite sure 'bout his wife, but that I'm sure will be revealed in due time.
(sorry to the rest- this goes back to some other string I can't even remember what that was- only that we could read that Gauldar and his wife got involved in something horrible ;-) )
Oh right... about that. Mmmyeah, he who we do not speak of and I have come to an agreement. He stops trying to track me down and kill me, while I do not speak of him and do a little thing every... nevermind. Anyways... yeah.
Decimate also has another (more commonly used) meaning: to kill a large part of a group.
Until today, the disease that decimated ancient Athens has yet to be identified.
@Liz O: Scientists try to identify historical diseases in order to better understand what happened. For instance, the description of the Black Death matches well with the bubonic plague, so most scientists agree that the plague is the culprit in that pandemic.
So far, no one was able to identify the disease described by Thucydides.
April 27th, 2009 at 11:10 am
I’m a creationist. .....things like new virus strains can emerge. There are almost unlimited variations possible. I don’t believe that totally new species can arise though. However, sometimes the different variations in a single species can appear drastic, as in dogs for example...... I studied evolution in college and have made an informed choice about what I believe. ...... I love science In care you’re wondering why God would make viruses to become so harmful- I don’t think that was His ideal. Because of the increasing evil (bad or whatever you want to call it) in this world creatures have used their God given awesomeness to adapt in order to survive. We have free choice. He doesn’t force us all to be good or even to honor Him. "
more confused than a decimated quarter.
if it is possible for the descendants of organism "A" to undergo unlimited variations, that surely allows for the arrival amongst such descendants of organism "A-unlimited" so different from "A" that mating and/or back breeding is not possible, thus a separate species from "A".
I also don't think that any animals were originally carnivores. I think they have adapted as their food sources became scarce or disappeared or as their enviroment changed. Take a look at the teeth on a panda. I don't have time to go into this to deeply right now but it's an interesting one to me.
I don't believe that we are here because of a long series of random accidents. I believe everything was created by an extremely sophisticated and wise God. That is very different than the evolutionary theory. Darwin observed micro-evolution taking place first hand. But the mainstream church at that time taught that creatures were unchangeable. This created a dilemma for him. Micro-evolution is not opposed in scripture anywhere. That was a man made belief.
your choice of dog as an example is interesting, and I suggest wilfully and deliberately confusing
Dog is the common use term that refers to members of the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris. The term is sometimes used to refer to a wider range of species: it can be used to refer to any mammal belonging to the family Canidae, which includes wolves, foxes, jackals, and coyotes; it can be used to refer to the subfamily of Caninae, or the genus Canis, also often called the "true dogs".
If however you had chosen to refer to cats then as i am sure you are aware that the family of felidea have 41 extant species of cats known to have descended from a common ancestor.
If you were not aware of these matters then there appear to be gaps in your study of evolution.
as examples of increasing evil in the world, and the fall from grace from perfection at or close to the time of creation you state:
"Crimes are getting worse. Public school is not generally as safe as it was 20,30,40 years ago. Yes we’ve made some advancements but taken some big steps back too. For example a number of years ago they didn’t need security checks for weapons at schools. Kids are getting into crime at younger ages and grow up way to fast."
degraded though American Capitalist Society may be, it hardly compares to the latter days of the Roman Empire, which prompted a bout of millinarianism amongst Christian Mystics.
In 15th century Europe everyone was armed all the time, so is the "world" more or less evil now?
As for "children growing up too fast now" is that a comparison with child labourors in Europe in the 19th century. The very notion of "childhood" is a specifically modern development.
Despite the understandable urge of american children to slaughter each other, it is unfortunately the case that morbidity and mortality rates are decreasing, as compared with their 19th century counterparts.
Frightening isn't it, the world is facing a pandemic of southern baptists
Of course, such an addition wouldn't help reassure the public about the current possible pandemic. It might get people wondering why the Spanish Flu started at a wartime military base. It might make people ask about the curious incidents on the 1976 Swine Flu Scare. It might make people ask why Baxter has been given the job of making the Flying Pig Flu vaccine when they just shipped bird flu contaminated H1N1 flu shots to Eastern Europe, a contamination many experts say could not have occurred by accident and could have resulted in a human to human H5N1.
Read a history book dating further back than 1950.
Which is itself a development of
In fact He said, "In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." Find a Bible, read it, choose life.
the relevance of your comment is what exactly?
You seem to imply that pandemics are "the ravages of wilful sin".
If so then you are guilty of poor theology in addition to woeful biology.
The point I was really making, though, was that there is a way to not fear any outbreak of any disease or sickness and that way is through a relationship with God the Father through His son Jesus Christ.
Not all persons with pneumonic, septicemic or bubonic plague die. Some people's resistance is remarkable, and they survive. The oriental rat flea is considered the prime mover of the Yersinia Pestis bacteria, but those who cough bacteria laden sputum are the cause of pnumonic plague and they transmit the bacteria to the next generation. Masks anyone???. Septicemic plague is a by-product of the original, Bubonic Plague.
A disease to fear is Ebola-Marburg virus. The kill ratio is somewhere arround 80-90 percent. From contact to death can be as short as 4-6 hours. The affect of this disease is very similar to the "bird flu" virus everybody has been concerned about. The primary affect of the virus on the body is to utterly destroy the victims internal organs. Should you survive these diseases you very well could be a physical vegetable, 'till you die of some other complication.
A book called the "Control of Communcable Diseases in Man" gives some excellent insight into various diseases and how to minimize a disease affect.
Everyone have fun, wash your hands often. Stay safe and healthy.
"There are natural viruses (those not weaponized) that kill so fast when in the human population, there are questions as to how the virus is survives to be transmitted to another host."
To answer your question about viruses that kill off its hosts at a rate faster than they can spread. Some viruses can lay dormant in certain individuals and still be infectious. A good example is the herpes virus. An individual could be a carrier of the virus and never even know it because they never develop symptoms. However, they're still infectious and quite capable of spreading it around. Which is probably the biggest reason it's so widespread.
what i'm think is that one reason of it is because of the Global Warming. Earth became hotter and hotter that a new species of bacterium or virus emerges out of the past generation of this microscopic pathogens. It mutates in short... it mutates because of the hot environmen (it triggers the bacterias and viruses to "adjust" to its new environment so that it will survive and thus creating a new species of microorganism... another reason maybe that this nasty microorganism is immune to this strong drugs that used to be very effective against them... I don't know what will happened to us if all of this pathogenic microorganism became "invincible"... scary huh?
"why, oh why do people ALWAYS have to thrown in religion so scientific facts..."
God made the world so He is relevant to a discussion about how the world came to be!
I am guessing that you would say christians are brainwashed deluded people ... this is far from the truth - Christians are ordinary people who have had their eyes opened by God - As the bible says "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free"
The accuracy of the bible has been proved time and time again - The historical record of Babylon was ridiculed in the bible until the city was found! The bible predicts Israel would be gathered from the corners of the world and would once again become a people - This has happened according to the bible in the past 70 years despite the efforts of some to "wipe Israel from the face of the earth" - e.g. the 6 day war
Given this reliability are we not entitled as thinking people to assume that the bible is once again fully correct with respect to its account on the creation of the world?
As for being brainwashed I feel sorry for the thousands of inidividuals who have been fed the lie of evolution and fell for it - e.g. the diagrams used in biology textbooks to this day with respect to the human foetus are known to be inaccurate and the author has been recognised by scientists as "warping science" - yet the diagrams remain resulting in brainwashing with a lie - i will not even begin to mention the piltdown man deception, the failing to include cave paintings of dinosaurs in textbooks (this would ruin the evolution theory), i could go on but am just stating these things here as areas for you to research if you actually desire truth (some people are happy to go with the lie thinking that somehow following a lie will mean that they will not face God, some people are just honestly deceived)
As one evolutionist said (this is not a verbatim quote) "We are compelled to believe in Evolution, the alternative is Creation which is unthinkable"
Unthinkable to the man who doesn't wish to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ on judgement day (but who will do regardless of his beliefs)
Evolution is flawed to the thinking man - Darwin himself says that the fossil record should contain numerous examples of "beings in the evolutionary process" - This was over 100 years ago - With all the fossils now discovered and still no "missing links" or anything the theory is ridiculous to believe - It certainly requires far less faith to believe the bible
Furthermore when Darwin put forward his theory he had no idea of the complexity of a single cell with its 6 feet of DNA entwined within it - Many people in the professional world do not believe in evolution but simply teach it or else there funding is stopped
I have no doubt that this post will be attacked but actually this post is only offensive to those who want it to be - Realise that this post is in love to guide you to the truth - The truth is there if you wish to know it - And I wish that anyone reading this come to the truth also
With regards plagues, I cant say this is an area I have studied - As with all christians I thoroughly acknowledge evolution within defined boundaries within the same species - However there has never been any proof of one species turning into another and there never will be
I guess most people think "the scientists are clever they must be right" - I love science - Recording results of experiments, repeating them to ensure the result is consistent - But these scientific methods cannot be applied to the "evolution theory" - They cannot retest the "evolution of the elephant" - There is no repeatable or testable aspect here - This results in theory on theory about "how it might have happened" - And these theories (which I alike to a series of star trek, entertaining but totally unbelievable) are now taught as fact! Once again the creator must be denied, we don't want to have to answer to Him!
For those of you who actually seek the truth do a search on google for "evolution is a lie" - Read the quotes and comments of many educated men who realise the failings of the theory but are powerless to do anything until enough people in the academic world are brave enough to stand up and say "hold on a minute!" - of course this will result in their loss of job but better to lose a job than the truth (easy for me to say tho but some brave men have already done it)
This of course is all interesting but at the heart of the matter is will you accept Jesus as your saviour, making him the Lord of your life and acknowledging His position? - You don't have to wait until you are good (we will never be good enough) - rather run to Him with open arms and He will accept you as you are (see the parable of the Prodigal Son in the bible) - The you can begin to learn his wonderful ways - Salvations waits for those who want it and it is open to all who would humble themselves before the Lord! :D
Its still hard now a days,
soo, whenever one of our family members gets
sick, we pantic. It bothers us.
Ugggh :(
Religion started as a way to explore how everything came into being, such as in Greek, how different gods, Polytheism, dominate different elements of people's lives.
The idea of Christianity and it's explanation of this world didn't become widespread until the end of the Roman Empire. However, when it was first introduced in the Roman Empire, the emperors prosecuted them because it preached equality and a forgiving God, which was at the time, (equality) a threat to the Roman Emperors. The reason for the rise of Christianity is because after it is established, it consisted of different hierarchy within the church. The hierarchy of the church usually consisted something like this: the pope/headmaster at the top, then the archbishop, then the bishop, then the priest and the pupils in the bottom. This type of hierarchy made it possible for the emperor to maintain control over its people, by staying in favor of the pope.
I do admit religion is uniting and healthy, but suggesting that Christian God's way is the right way is too far.
To be quite honest, I don't exactly agree with Darwin's theory of evolution. There are some flaws. HELLO!?!??!?! It's a THEORY!!! Does that make it a fact or a law? No, it is a theory based on a place called Galapagos Island. Darwin believed that the vast variations of species is induced by natural selection. Natural selection is the process by which those heritable traits that make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successive generations.
From the same deduction, does the existence of places such as the city of Babylon prove a book? All it tells us is that the Bible didn't make up a false city. By your deduction, I can write a book with a few other people based on an old city in England and that makes my story a fact?
The bible is a book, it is written by many authors (do your research). It is also a theory on how the world is created and how people should be governed. The story is perfected over the time. However, you cannot expect everyone to believe the Christian's explanation of the world compared to those who believed the theory of evolution just because you are on the Christian's side. Keep your aggressive tone to yourself.
Or say, to be philosophical . . .
Metaphysics seek the "being" with the big B... that is God
Science only seek the beings with the small b., that is all that exist in the world. i do agree with Danday and Steven., Science is a young principle compare to the beliefs of the people in ancient times... though they believe in so many gods like Greeks, and before the Greeks way back thousand and thousands of years... so it is not that surprising why do these academic claims such as the evolutionary theory of Darwin have flaws.
Considering the time we are in, The Atomic Age, people as what philosophers would claim, a thinking being, is able to create technologies that either falsify or give weigh to a specific theory that will eventually be made law... we are a supreme being ( be mindful of the small 'b' because of our capacity to think. thinking - they only difference of man to everything else such as animals for the most part)
'Once truth, it cannot be falcify',,,, funny enought why science claim that this is the truth... objective? yeah, but., is that truth will always be a thuth unti the ends of time? the answer is NO... because as the time changes, these principles changes... as for today, they law of Gravity is very much true... can these be always a law or there would come a time that these law will be proven not truth... it is really a dillema for man to always seek the truth... and as for the religion, well, we can see some myths and legends, but considering the fact that bible is composed of different authors (which each book fits together., also considering the fact that it is writen decades of cenrury apart - not that is consistent)... and most of it really happend and HOPEFULLY will happened (the parousia, the second coming)....
keep in mind people that we should be critical... thanks.... have a blessed day
is really sad to know that sometimes people don't realize what they have,they don't thank God for all the things that He had given them ,until they loose everything,and their is when they stared questioning God.
people who died back in those days they didn't have a choice one or other way they new that they were going to die and now we have a lot of technology and we can have the medicine for every kind of sickness,so let me encourage you, to give thanks to God for every single thing you have ,because some day you would wake up and maybe everything would be gone.
- J.D.
mm.! this article was about the 5 most deadliest diseases that have happened in the history of the world, like the black death, the spanish flu, the anotnine plague, the justinian plague, and the pelopennisian war pestilance. In my opinion these diseases like killed so much people because they didnt have enough technology like we do now a days. We can make medicines that cure these sicknesses like we did with the swine flu because if we wouldnt have made the vaccine against it, it would have been another deadly pandmic. I think that the black death was probably the worst of all since so many people died. It must be like scary seeing urself rot in life. Like thats gross.! Im happy [: that now we have enough medicines and technology that can cure all these diseases.
kElLy.! <3
DaNieliN! mC!!!
This article about the deadliest pandemics in history was very interesting but I think that it does not have a complete description of each pandemic, also i do not think that AIDS should be in that group as someone commented because it is a harmful virus that had killed more people than the others pandemics and scientist do not have a cure for this so many people are still dying every day because of this virus.
The reason why a lot of people died with The Spanish Flu or the plagues was because they did not have vaccines that could prevent the virus to kill a person so, as science was not advanced at those times people could die because of a small flu because they only tried to mix some plants with water and many people were lucky and they could survive but others could not.
I think that God created everything and while time has passed everything has changed like plants, animals, humans and those little organisms that we can not see but are the basic structures of life that a little change can influence a big thing.
Also I think that pandemics are our error because as we change our ecosystem the other living organisms change too in order to survive so changes are not bad but how we want to change without preserving our vital resources is why we have new viruses that are formed in the air by toxic gases that affect us.
So during those centuryes we had many deadliest viruses that we could not face but we need to think about the future and the new pandemics we will have in order to prevent them, because we can not be prepared for something we do not have an idea.
The pandemic that i think was the most interesting was the Black death because it last a lot and it killed a lot of people, it last 100 years and it killed 12 million people so for me that was the most destructive also because when people got it the started to rot and they die rapidly like in 3 to 7 days.
Ok Mr. Juan Pablo that was my homework, I hope you liked it.
Just saying. Well after reading this article about the 5 deadliest pandemics i realized that there hasnt been a big number of peoples death caused by a virus thanks to the high technology that we know control. Well theres not much to say but to thank God i wasnt part of it, especially in the spanish flue, that killed more poeple a war itself could kill. Even though theres alot of flues and viruses like AIDs that kills everyday, in my opinion there a bigger pandamic that no computer or artifact with high technology could control, and im talking about humans irracionality. Those pandemics dont apear out of nowhere, theres always a couse, and even though the couse is accidentle there a way to avoid. Thanks to one person alot of poeple could die.
3. The Plague of Justinian
Is amazing learn about a plague that kill like 200 million people and caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
I think the some times the bacterium are in mutation so this can kill many people or can mutate in the human body.
The swam flu is other virus that surprise me and I talk with some Mexicans that said that this virus was created by the humans so is so confusing to understand this types of virus an situations because now all the catastrophes are really bad and some people said that they have proofs that human provoke this catastrophes but only God know what is happening because in all the times are catastrophes in the past in the present and in the future.
Omar Mosquera
sorry for send you these work late Mr Jaun PAblo,
so i read all the article and I think that the deceases that existed in the past were very harmfull, and in the future i supose that will existe worst. But i wanna said that people can be afraid for this. Human being ever try to find the solution for every thing, as now days, The swung flu ( i dont know if it is spell correctly) the human being thought that it might be another pandemic, people was afraid for but it just belong here few weeks.
Human being using all his knowlodge that had adquire untill the existence has applied for that moment.
My poin is that people must not be afraid for decease, The 5 pandemics that is the topic is very scary, but thinking well it was in the past, were those days the human being waere just begunnings its studies from nature, so they didnt have the enough knolodge.
I hope you like it
Sorry i might go to the bus...
Well, this article starts with some pandemics that were achieved in history, and that killed a lot of people a long time before. Also, is trying to make us aware with the pandemic that we are going through, but I think that we should not be afraid of what can happen, all this pandemics that are mentioned in the article had a cure, and with the advanced technology we have know, the cure of the swine flu will be succesful, and would be more succesful with the support of God.
María José Martínez
Well, this article starts with some pandemics that were achieved in history, and that killed a lot of people and that caused a lot of suffer. Also, is trying to make us aware with the pandemic that we are going through, but I think that we should not be afraid of what can happen, all this pandemics that are mentioned in the article had a cure, and with the advanced technology we have know, the cure of the swine flu will be succesful, and would be more succesful if we leave it in the hands of God.
The thing is that humans have to learn from everything we've lived, what this pandemics teach us, is that humans are interdependant, if a war occur, it would affect not only the peolple that is envolve in the war, also the whole world, as we've seen with this panedemics.
Onther point is that people and the wotld is always evolving, for example the weapons in wars are always changing, first were arrows, catapults, etc, and they had been evolving, then guns, nuclear bombs, and every type of guns were created with a radioactive powder, this time were more powerful and harmful,and if we evolve in guns, it means humans are evolving, and if humans evolve the whole world evolve, because as I said before, every action affect others, could be in a good way or in a bad way, becasue that is interdependence, every organism depend in other to survive. So we have firstly to think and then act.
In the last months of the World War 1 in a military campment in Kansas was find this virus(Spanish flu).
In 6 months the flu was in all the continents, 1 billion of people was contracted with this virus,and 20 to 100 dead with this sickness. Was the most lethal epidemic in humankind.
They put Spanish flu not because originated in spain it got the name because in taht period Spain was not involved in the World War.
On the oder hand for me is very harsh see how many people have dead only for a virus. But for me God know how and when do the things for us, so we have to learn about live and take care what we do with life.
We dont need of these sickness and multi-deads!.