A Shrek Wedding

When Christine England married Keith Green of Barnstaple, Devon, England, she took her new name as Mrs. Green seriously -they took their vows dressed as Shrek and Fiona from the Dreamworks movie Shrek! Their 100 wedding guests were also in fantasy costumes.
'It was funny because when we said our vows Keith had these green ears sprouting from the top of his head.'

She tried to get her 18-year-old son to dress up as Donkey, another character from the offbeat cartoon fairytale, but said 'he wasn't having any of it'.

Mr Green, a builder - who doesn't seem to mind being likened to an ogre - added: 'It was a very strange experience to say the least, but a thoroughly enjoyable one. We love the films and my wife tells me I bear a resemblance to Shrek.'

The couple hired a make-up artist to make them look like the characters - voiced by Mike Myers and Cameron Diaz - in the hit films.

Christine's mother Annette England, 66, said: 'It's not necessarily how you imagine seeing your daughter get married but it was great fun.'

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