The 5 Minute Get-Up-and-Get-Dressed Routine

[YouTube - Link]
Can you get up, get dressed, cook breakfast and eat it in just 5 minutes? Here's a video clip for all of you who are perpetually late in the morning, courtesy of a Japanese gameshow (who else?)

- via GeeksAreSexy

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by ilius.

Comments (11)

In actuality, it is much better to brush your teeth before you eat breakfast than after. As it so happens, the amount of bacteria in your mouth when you wake up is far greater than at any other time during the day. Additionally, brushing your teeth after a meal may erode away the enamel covering your teeth.

This is due to the increased acidity of your mouth after eating, which coupled with teeth brushing can lead to damage. Saliva production increases during a meal, therefore you should wait at least an hour after eating before brushing your teeth.
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This isn't from a gameshow by the way, it's from a Japanese morning show. They're simply showing "techniques" for getting ready fast in the morning. The panel of people to the side is quite usual for such a show. They're not competing or anything.
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did anyone else notice that the timer read 5 minutes nearly a minute before the video itself? They started the timer after the video began. Something is amiss here.
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"Yeah, lets all take our dental advice from Britain.

What’s next marriage advice from the Ozarks?"

:D I loled at this one. funny.

Funny video but some parts made you think the Japanese are very easily amused, but that is also a reason I like them :). Make crazy stuff like this, go them!
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