With beautiful, ornate costumes that manage to look both hundreds of years old and sparkling new, thousands of marchers transform the streets of Alcoy’s magnificent old city into a gigantic party. The festival’s first day sees the entrances: first of the Christains at 11:00, and then of the Moors at 17:00. Each parade lasts hours and hours, and is chock full of incredible music, dancing, floats and costumes.
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Random Good Stuff.
I doubt it, leave Spain & the spanish alone. Their culture & festivals are great. People in glass houses & all that!
Apples and oranges. Sorry. The President of the US doesn't have the authority or the right to end a custom that takes place in another country, which despite its origins, really doesn't hurt anything or anyone. I look at it in kind of the same light as the people in the US who get dressed up and have Civil War re-enactments.