Pluto: Proof that Size Matters (just $9.95) - modeled by Ashton
Almost three years ago, the general public was rocked by science: astronomers at the International Astronomical Union booted off Pluto from the list of planets orbiting the Sun. It's just a "reclassification," these astronomers insisted, but we all know better. Pluto is Proof that Size Matters ;)
Okay, so it's a couple of years late, but it's still very funny. Here's a new geeky T-shirt design by Chris Murphy (an excellent illustrator for print and web, by the way, if you're ever interested in hiring one). | More Fun Science T-shirts (perfect for the geek you love!)
Proof that clearing surrounding celestial debris from your orbit matters
//changes orbit - heads for cover...
My word! *monocled!* O_o
But we were all thinking it. If size matters, that model needs bigger boobs.
... I didn't know the small size was the reason for excluding Pluto =(
It doesn't seem very logical...