Blogger Wrote Sensationalistic Post Title ... And Was Burned at The Stake!

Roman Charity by Jean-Baptiste Greuze (mostly), c. 1767, with apologies

Two days ago, when Neatorama author named Alex was looking for an interesting story to post on the blog, he went to the Internet to research news articles. That's where he stumbled across a New Idea magazine article about how a woman helped her father fight colon cancer by giving him breastmilk.

Alex titled his post "Daughter Helps Dad Fight Cancer ... By Breastfeeding Him!" - a sensationalistic and misleading title that led Neatorama readers to believe that the woman in question had actually let her father suckle on her breast (like Pero in the Roman Charity, as pointed out by fellow reader TwoDragons) - rather than giving him breastmilk that she had pumped earlier in the day.

The reaction to the post was immediate. One commenter known as BlessedBlogger remarked:

First, I want to say that the title is misleading and obviously meant to shock us. I’m not very happy about that as even the implication of incestuous behavior turns my stomach. She isn’t breastfeeding him, she’s donating breast milk to him.

A flurry of other readers posted comments concurring with BlessedBlogger. PJ wrote "the title is grossed out. why’d neatorama wanna have a decent story titled like a cheap eveninger?" A quick search on the Internet revealed that "eveninger" is defined as "a newspaper that is released in the evening unlike a morning newspaper" (Source: Dictionary of Indian English), which immediately added gravitas to PJ's opinion because, well, a person with a moniker of "PJ" would surely know a thing or two about a cheap eveninger.

But not everyone was offended. Kalel, with his trademark wit remarked:

Keeping abreast of the latest medical breakthroughs is of express interest, but perhaps they could have arranged a sort of tit-for-tat exchange with another mother.

Not to be outdone, Garys added:

This article “sucks”! I really should do a better job in regards to keeping “abreast” of the latest medical findings. Guess there is no fault in a little “tit” for tat amongst relatives.

Perhaps Garys didn't get the memo about "unnecessary " quotation marks but we digress.

Support to the beleagured author was scant, but the one was loud and proud. Neatorama reader Byrd Brain let the author know how his super title writing skill was appreciated:

So, if you were to write an article about me putting rash cream on my baby son’s tender parts, Alex, you could come up with a headline like “Father Fondles Son’s Genitals”! You are just SUPER at this headline thing! A great day for accuracy in news reporting!

That was good, but Alex, who has years of experience writing sensationalistic title would surely have written "Father Helps Baby Fight Diaper Rash ... By Fondling His Genitals with Cream!"

Throughout all these firestorm of comments, Alex remains silent - and the fact did not go unnoticed by Anon, who bemoaned "Although I guess no matter how much I pour my heart out here, Alex doesn’t give a shit." When privately approached, the besieged author could only mutter, "That's udderly not true. Of course I care. Sensationalistic titles are very hard to think of ..."

I guess Alex and Neatorama are having a ball at this kind of topics- Suddenly they have all the attention and so all eyes are focused on the next topics by Alex. --- Yeeeeey Visibility!!!

:lol: Cheers Alex- Good job!
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Dang, I missed out on all the fun. I didnt read the story or the comments because I figured it was about some girl donating milk to her sick father and thought it was sort of boring.
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"A great day for accuracy in news reporting!" what are ppl expecting..? I have not been reading this blog for long but.. it's a blog right..? on the internets..? and not a traditional paper..? come on ppl..

just don't click on that link.
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heheh! nice dig bro!
i know about eveningers, morningers, afternooners and stuff. i'm a designer and newspapers are also part of the profile :)
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Oh man, I was just bringing up the historic and scientific facts about the act, not the physical implications. But yeah, it sure got ugly, didn't it!

Frankly I think it was a very selfless act upon the daughter's part, and if it helped him recover from cancer then three cheers to them!

But oh man, having that image file pop up in my RSS feed was...uh...I'm just happy my six-year-old son wasn't sitting with me. 8-O

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As a lifetime fan of ALL forms of CONSENSUAL sex, I didn't find this article's headline or content the least bit offensive.

Americans (and I'm one of them) are so effed up about biology and sex and nudity it's scary.

"Who programmed this mess, anyway?"

Alex, no one can ever accuse you of ignoring public opinion, so, as a lifetime entertainment parasite as well, I salute you!

Post on !
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Three cheers for the composer of that post! Maybe if people like him worked for the major newspapers the news wouldn't be so dreadfully boring.
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The Headline did its Job just like it was supposed to do. It got everyone to read the article and to talk about it.
Just like the really stupid commercials you see every day. You talk about them so therefore they did their job. They got your attention.

People are really way to easily offended these days.
I had to take my Jolly Roger flag down from my flag pole because of the recent Pirate incident involving an American ship Captain. It offended some one in the complex! Its been up for almost a year. But wait it didn't offend them UNTIL an American got taken hostage now did it?
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Yeah, um....this headline was way less provocative than many I've seen. And it made people read the article...which was the POINT. How amazing that when you think you're nowhere near to crossing the line that line pops up behind you, held by uber-conservatives running hell-bent towards the past.
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No, you don't give a shit. That's why you post that short response plus picture.
If you can't take criticism, don't blog.
Bashing a comment for its poor orthography shows your insecurity.
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I'll admit that I was kind of grossed out by the article, but dang it - it was NEAT. Yes, the title was misleading, but humor is still legal, right?

Alex - great response. A good serious thread is good every now and then, but sometimes we need a reminder that reading your blog should be fun!
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-This- is how I get noticed on BB? lol

I wasn't enraged, just offended. The title is misleading and while that's not exactly a crime it's in poor taste and they can hardly be surprised that people were offended. I think it's pretty clear the whole point of the title was to upset people and it worked. Neatorama is a fairly popular blog that hardly needs to use sensationalistic tactics to gain popularity so this little stunt was disappointing to those of us who are loyal readers. Besides, it's hardly the first time something posted there has upset people. Several times videos of animals, that many of us believe demonstrated animal cruelty, resulted in an angry comment storm. The difference is this one was intentionally inflammatory and honestly I think the folks at Neatorama should be ashamed of themselves for stooping so low. None of us are saying they should be stoned, just that they need to demonstrate more sensitivity in the future.
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Neatorama kindly gives us the right to blow steam when we see something we don't like on here. Alex is the controversial writer (if it could be called that, considering how tame neatorama generally prefers to stay), and every so often something is going to get churned up.

It's not the first time Alex has nudged the line, wont be the last either. Yay for free countries! *hand-shaking all around*
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That should say: "-This- is how I get noticed on Neato? lol" That's what happens when you read two blogs at once.

And Alex, seriously? Reporting on your own reporting as if it's actually newsworthy or in any way neat? This is just getting to cheesy for me. Can we please have some actual news that's actually neat now?
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It's Alex's blog, he can post whatever the hell he wants. I guess he found it was neat that so many people got so involved because of a headline. I think it was an ammusing headline, and out of all the crap on the internet this is the last thing you need to be concerned about being misleading. This whole issue kinda reminded me of this headline.
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So ... readers criticize a post title as being low quality for Neatorama. Neatorama then proceeds to mock those readers. If I wanted that kind of quality and attitude, I'd go read Fark.
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I don't see how it's really that misleading. If my son was fed breast milk from a bottle for the first few months of his life, I'd tell people he was breastfed.
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A word of caution to the Neatorama crew: Click-baiting headlines like the one on this article, not to mention the amount of front-page space devoted to a post that basically says, "I yanked people's chains, some of them called me on it, and now I think those people suck" do nothing to enhance this site's reputation for aggregating links to neat stuff.

Ask yourself this: if this little drama were playing out on some other website (and I'm sure you can find a dozen examples if you really want to), would you link to it? Is this article Neat(tm) enough to be approved on its own merits, or is it getting special treatment because it's an internal matter?

I come to this site because it has a good track record for aggregating links that I'd be willing to pass on to a friend. I don't come for self-referential opinion posts and "ooh! ooh! click me!" headlines.

I find the whole line of discussion proper to this thread uninteresting in the extreme. My only reason for posting is to remind you that you have a good reputation for aggregating stuff I do find interesting, and to warn you about the dangers of making drek like this regular fare
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Burned at the stake? Really? You were able to cite 2 or 3 people calling you out out of almost 50 comments. Sorry, Alex but you aren't a martyr yet. Maybe you and the steampunk snowboard guy should get together over a glass of milk (your choice as to what type) and commiserate about having your feelings hurt on the internet.
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"As a lifetime fan of ALL forms of CONSENSUAL sex, I didn’t find this article’s headline or content the least bit offensive."

Just because the puppy was still willing to lick your hand afterward doesn't mean it was consentual.
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I don't get it.

The original New Idea article was titled: "I breastfeed my dad".

How is the Neatorama's title: "Daughter Helps Dad Fight Cancer … By Breastfeeding Him!" MORE titillating?
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hahaha. nice alex. no offense BlessedBlogger, but if Alex just rolled over and took it every time someone didn't like his writing, I wouldn't come here. I thought the headline was kinda funny, and this response is hilarious.
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@ Gualdar - My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. And they're like...It's better than yours,

Lulz - the intrawebz is a fun place. Full of fun characters.

Love the pic chosen for this one. I think it would have been better for the original article. :D
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i think it is time for a lot of folks to take a minute and think about expectations towards blogs or publishers in general, and the publisher's obligation to that expectation. i firmly believe that NObody merely consuming and enjoying the entertainment provided by a blog has ANY reason and right to complain about how things go. to quote alexdeLarge: "just don't click that link"
i wish neatorama could be a bit less restricted some times, but i can understand alex's reluctance to push the limit, seeing the responses he gets for totally harmless headlines already.
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"I’m not very happy about that as even the implication of incestuous behavior turns my stomach."

Incest involves sexual activity between relatives. Breast feeding, with the exception of fetishist, is not a sexual act.
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Wow, Relax people. Neatorama isn't exactly a news blog, it's an Entertainment site. I run a blog similar to this one, but more focused on technology, and I've done similar stuff in the past, and never regretted it. While there's a lot of people who will complain, most readers will just read the post and see the humor behind it.

If you think that Neatorama is posting misleading headlines, try reading Gizmodo... or even better, head over to Reddit or Fark. Boy are you in for a SHOCK.

People who run big blogs like this one make a living with traffic. The more traffic, the more money comes in. No traffic = No Money = Can't hire writers = No Awesome blogs.

Great job Alex. We all love you :)
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seefish3- I know, I know. I got you so good that all you had left was the old use "your spellcheck" line.

As far as you hating puppies- dude, don't ask me to explain you people.
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Alex, have you ever considered that maybe you're doing something wrong? If people are so disappointed, shouldn't there be a change? Or should it just be ignored, the way its done? Yes, this isn't the first such occasion, and it won't be the last, but that is no justification.
-Same anon.
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"Can we please have some actual news that’s actually neat now?" - BlessedBlogger

Chicky - I have been tryin'. But people dont seem to like posts about "bacon flavored jelly beans" or great museums.
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Whoa. A brother goes out for a few days to enjoy the Sun and comes back to a civil war in blog form. I'm keeping away from this with a 10 foot poll! ;)
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It was in 1939 when John Steinbeck wrote "The Grapes of Wrath" (awesome book by the way) in which he let one of the female characters in the end breastfeed an old man who is about to die from hunger in the Great Depression. Needless to say, that scene didn't make it in the movie version of 1940, but I would have expected that American prudery and fear of anything biological, anything related to nakedness or sexuality evolved from there.
I'm surprised this issue gets so much attention. In Berlin in a train station you can see right now a gigantic picture of a woman breastfeeding her baby as an advertisement for an exhibition. Don't see or her any people complaining about that, even though you can see her nipple (gasp!)
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The author of this post and people complaining about the previous post really don't have anything better to do. Perhaps they should evaluate their own sad lives instead of getting all bent out of shape over a story on a blog.

Seriously, life would be better without people like you modern day Puritans.
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it doesn't take much to start a ''controversial'' issue
sigh... its true, people have nothing better to do. *right now i actually really don't*
just let it go, its just a darn title, raah! lol
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Alex, awesome, I LOVE reading posts about internet drama. Keep it up, reading bloggers' hissy fits really keeps me coming back to a site instead of entertaining links.
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Alex, how do you "remain silent", when you're posting the blog entry? That's a paradox. Or are there two of you...?

That's like when someone says "I'm not talking to you", and you reply "You just did!"

I didn't actually get the whole "burned at the stake" feel from the original post. Did you receive a lot of e-mails that I'm not aware of? Cause I've seen more vitriol in other comments before.
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