I dunno...I don't want to be The Boy Who Cried Fake, but there's something off about it. The rider running after the bike looks strange somehow, particularly towards the end.
well, Hootie McBoob that's probably due to your overexposure to Star Wars style stormtrooper shenanigans. I know this is real because I just know. And that bike is my hero. Plus, yeah.
:idea: Seeing this, something dawns on me! These race are wrongly perceived by us spectators: It is not the riders who have to try to win the races with these bikes- It is the bikes that have to try to win with cumbersome passengers as more or less coorporating payload on their backs....
Aha! The dirty secrets of the mountain bike racing underworld exposed! The riders don't actually DO anything. They just hold on while the bikes automatically navigate the course for them. Have we really become this lazy!?
I'm surprised it could stay balanced that long. Maybe the front fork on a racing bike is way tighter. My bike just flops to the side if you let go of the handlebars.
It kind of like when you are trying to teach a youngster to ride a bike without training wheels. You explain the faster you go the easier it is to stay upright. They don't believe you of course but it is true. The bike in the video was moving at a pretty good pace when the rider fell off. So it just kept going down the hill.
These race are wrongly perceived by us spectators: It is not the riders who have to try to win the races with these bikes- It is the bikes that have to try to win with cumbersome passengers as more or less coorporating payload on their backs....
I'm surprised it could stay balanced that long. Maybe the front fork on a racing bike is way tighter. My bike just flops to the side if you let go of the handlebars.
The bike in the video was moving at a pretty good pace when the rider fell off. So it just kept going down the hill.