Andy Gilmore's Geometric Art

Rochester, New York-based artist Andy Gilmore's artwork shows us that simple form and colors can create mesmerizing geometric art. This one above, titled mmmmmmm (available for sale at his Etsy's shop), is unlike anything my spirograph toy ever produced!

thecoolhunter has a feature on Andy's art: Link | More at Andy's Flickr page

Mesmerizing is the word...! Beautyful indeed.
I'd like to know how he works- He seems to use some kind of CAD? 'Cause if he actually does this all just by hand, with paint and without computer-aid, I'd Really have respect...!

And I like some of his titles for which I cannot even find the symbols on my keyboard ;-)
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I'm from Rochester and know Andy. Believe it or not, there's no CAD involved and he doesn't use any repetition-keys in Illustrator. Despite the repetition, he does the majority of it by hand in Photoshop [!?]. The color is integrated by variations in Photoshop layers. Super talented indeed.

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I'm from Rochester and don't know him. If he's still using shapes in Photoshop, it's not really any different than using Illustrator. Nice artwork nonetheless, but the digital medium is nearly moot. Unless it's done in acrylic on paper, it's still a question of only a couple minutes of actual work. The natural drawn stuff is great (maybe that's digital too?).
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Greetings...i am an Independent Artist and geometry/maths has been the greatest source of inspiration...i.e. magick-squares, squared-squares, tesselations, permutations, fractals, geometric dissections, puzzles, kolams, mandalas, labyrinths...and subjects that i have yet to discover.
Best regards pete mcclure.
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