Liana and her boyfriend Eric decided to try it out by devising a formula for creating their own custom-designed NPR names. The rules are simple; here's how it works:
"You take your middle initial and insert it somewhere into your first name. Then you add on the smallest foreign town you’ve ever visited."
So Liana is now Liarna Kassel, and Eric is Jeric Bath.
Lots of folks on Twitter devised funny NPR names for themselves, like Pamelda Fondo, Stefsan Swakopmund and Marmilyn Zug.
NPR's Monkey See blog caught wind of the game and invited readers to leave their NPR names in the comments. 164 people did, but a lot of them just aren't that good.
I'm convinced that Neatorama readers can come up with better NPR names. Wanna try?
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Marilyn Terrell.
senior latin correspondent, signing out
@Lostfiniel - Is Perpignan the smallest foreign town you ever visited...? Wow! Still seemed kind of big to me.
The d is silent.
My NPR name would be Amyj Naiman. I like it~
But I'm not a world traveller. As you can judge by my NPR name, Johjn Niagra-on-the-Lake.
too much like my real name except for pronouncing the S. You don't pronounce the silent three in my real name.
Another Mongolian.
I'm of Kenyan and Spanish decent.
Looks weird to me.
guess it helps I already have an unusual first name
hehe, that's a terrible name ^^
Little town outside of Helsinki, near Espoo, Finland.
It was a real toss-up. I've been to some teeny-tiny towns in the Germanic parts of Europe too. But Sarrah Geel or Sarrah Stompwijk don't quite have the same ring.
Mine is Jross Amet
L'Janet Perry ...or Janlet Perry
(I have no idea what the smallest town I've been to is; I just used the first one that came to mind.)
I host a 3am Iberian music program on a low-power campus station apparently.
Not that I remember the town...I was about 2 months old when I was there last.
It seems like Liana Maeby would qualify as an NPR caliber name as it is.
J'wohn Dunedin
J'lohn Dunedin
--Leigha Uxmal
I'm Stephaniel San Sebastian. Does Puerto Rico count as foreign?