16 Creative Ways to Upcycle Before You Recycle

If you're like the most of us, what you do to your junk is just throw them in one bin. Of course, there are also these people that segregate plastics from this and that.

And then, there's upcycling:

The recyclers are out in force. Whether it’s using a local recycle centre or a council-provided green bin, it’s never been easier to get your household waste processed back into useful raw materials. But that takes energy - and why spend that energy when this “rubbish” can be turned into something useful in its present form?


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by pax.

Lemme just take some of my old underwear I don't use anymore and wrap a present with it! WOOT! O_O
Seriously though... I didn't know that about coffee grinds.. will def use that... as for the rest of it.........
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We need a company that recycles our crap instead of we recycling it..
Give 'em the used wine bottles, and cans or stuff like that.. They give it back with a zing in it ;)
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