Contrail is a fun little gadget developed by Studio Gelardi to let bicyclists "mark" their bike paths. As more an more bikers ride on the same path, the contrail lines get brighter. Ostensibly, they say that the gadget allows other bicyclists the path that is safe to ride on but I'm sure that a big part of the appeal is the sheer fun in making roads look like Skittles rainbow. - via Gadget Lab
Cute idea! Bit like the trails that ants make vor eachother to food. The more ants go some trail, the stronger the tracks become, the more urgent more ants will follow it. Nice!
Chalk is allowed everywhere. Otherwise, lot of kids in the prison.
Portland rocks.
That is why you see the people with the huge bits of paper taped down to the pavements nowadays. They get into trouble if they don't.
SO the bike contrail thing is absolutely destined to fall foul of the law.
Hell in Australia they seem to now want cyclists to have registration plates,insurance,road tax, and pass road worthy testing, so I think the days of carefree cycling are pretty much numbered.
Send me 30 bucks and I will send you a kit that makes your bicycle sound like a motorbike.
If only I could remember where!
It's supersweet anyhow. :)