20 Creepy Abandoned Sites in Europe

We don't know why abandoned places are so creepy, but they are. Here are 20 abandoned places in Europe that are a little too creepy for us to handle.

This was once the largest hemp and rope factory in Europe, dating back to 1840. A state-of-the-art water system facilitated steam- and water-powered machines through a labyrinth of tunnels that carried water throughout the complex. It was closed just over a decade ago...


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by yugosakimi.

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I grew up on exploring abandoned places. My hometown was so full of abandoned places we just thought it was normal for the landscape to be full of them. I had a great time poking around abandoned hospitals, abandoned factories, storm drain tunnels that went for miles, abandoned old leaning barns with rusty tractors and tools, nearby ghost towns with abandoned mines/caves (I sometimes wonder how I managed to make it to an adult age), just to name a few. As kids, my friends and I used to play weird games of pretending we were sole survivors after a war, or an apocalyptic event, or that we were exploring ancient ruins looking for artifacts, and buried secrets. Although its older and not as sharp, my imagination still sparks at seeing pictures of such places... rekindling childhood games of hidden mysteries waiting to be uncovered. I love this kind of thing. :)
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I love visiting abandoned sites. But most of the ones I get into aren't nearly as interesting as these are.
Its a shame that someone doesn't buy some of the churches, villas and castles and refurbish them. Some look like they aren't to far gone to be repaired.
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