P-Mate Lets Women Pee Like Men!

Who says that boys should have all the fun peeing standing up? Here's P-mate, a "urinating device" that allows women to pee just like the guys!

From the directions of use:

- Simply pop open the P-Mate and move your panties aside and place the cupped area under the flow area between your legs.

- Have the funnel facing slightly downwards.

- Relax and pee.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by femtalks.

I remember a similar product like this called "magic cone" that was available through bust.com. I got them and they work great! Just be sure you practice a few times or you may end up with a mess LOL
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in_nah... holy crap... that is just too hilarious!!!

Anyways..... BLEH on the website.. I don't want to freakin see photos of women using the dang thing! I mean yeah you can't see anything, but just knowing that they're using it is just...... BLEH
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Of course, one can not forget the urinals made for women back in the 60's / 70's. The university I went to had some--but they were now in the men's rooms.

These urinals stuck pretty far out from the wall with the intention that the woman would squat slightly over it to urinate. Of course, the designers thought women would be wearing skirts/dresses, thus making it pretty easy to use. Unfortunately for the designers, about the time these urinals came out, women started to wear jeans/pants and the idea died.
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re. ted's comment:

very limited thinking in more ways than one. there are legitimate reasons why a "normal" woman may want to use this (and by "normal" i do not mean to brand other women as "abnormal" -- i'm speaking strictly speaking of normal meaning the majority population; anyhoo...). the reason why there is always an ungodly long queue at the women's CR is because of the mechanics involved in peeing for females. if the physical motions can be simplified (as it is for males, where they literally just need to whip it out) then there are obvious benefits ... but the current product seems a little unsanitary.
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Violet, you may choose to interpret my comment in whatever way you see fit, but please do not twist my words into something other than what they actually are.

I did not label any thing or person deviating from the norm as automatically stupid or invalid.

I think the device is a dumb idea. Chudez actually gave a good reply to my comment, but let's face it - the point of this device is not to avoid line-ups in the ladies room.

There are some men who don't pee standing up. It doesn't transform them into women - they're still men. And if you're a woman who pees standing up, you're not suddenly transformed into a man.

The delusion is that peeing standing up somehow empowers a person. The people who are fooled by that sort of logic are limited in their viewpoint.
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I own one and it's quite useful for camping, concerts, and tailgaiting... try it a couple times at home lest you want to wind up with a lil accident on yourself ;)
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an interesting idea, but it doesn't seem clean. do you wipe afterward? Probably clean in the face of the alternative: peeing your pants, or if you're in a country which uses holes in the ground for bathroom facilities.

also, don't these increase the risk for a yeast infection?

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The words you choose are meaningful, Ted. For some reason, you singled out lesbians and "woman who think they're men" as the groups most likely to use the urination device. Since I don't know where your data comes from and don't expect there is any, the assertion seems unnecessary at best and disparaging for the sake of being so.

You then mention strap-ons, which as a sexual device is connected to lesbians and transgendered people (which is I suppose what you were referring to with the imprecise and potentially offensive phrase "women who think they're men"), creating a thread in your comment that seems to go out of its way to marginalize these groups and generalize about them.

Just because you don't appreciate the value of something doesn't make it stupid. And the composition of your comment seems to connect people whose identities and practices which fall outside the norm with irrelevance and invalidity. They are not.
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I think ted is just saying what he thinks about the product(s). He thinks it's a stupid idea. It's highly unlikely anyone is going to convince him otherwise, despite apparent debating skillz. :)

As for the product. "Simply pop open the P-Mate and move your panties aside..." That doesn't sound simple, sanitary, or at all an improvement of the old way.
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This type of product has been marketed to lesbians and "transgendered" people for many years. My data is strictly personal experience. The only places I've seen it marketed is in stores that cater to alternative lifestyles. Tell me, do you see another market for this type of product? Are all of your heterosexual lady friends rushing out to purchase a product that helps them "pee like a man"?

I will try to be more accurate in my observations in the future. Unless, as I am beginning to suspect, you actually relish the opportunity to debate. Didn't I suspect you were trolling once, long ago?

Johnny Cat, I'm not always so inflexible. If a really good debater came along, I could be swayed from an opinion. Chudez had a good point about the long lines at the bathroom, for example. So, this product could be more practical than a strap-on dildo, had it truly been designed for that purpose.
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@Johnny: I hear you.

@Ted, regarding marketing, I hadn't seen that, and mostly hear from women who appreciate the product in a camping context when the issue comes up (see #17).

Thanks for considering the accuracy (and maybe the sensitivity/awareness) angle for the future. But speaking of accuracy, I don't go out of my way to call you out on things for the sake of it. I've often chimed in with a friendly word for you. I can't keep my mouth shut, though, when I think you're being over-broad or disparaging in a stereotypical way in your observations. And I know you're not a troll or stupid, which is why I bother.

Would that you could give me similar credit. I don't recall your accusing me of trolling, but I don't think I qualify as any kind of purposelessly argumentative voice. But I also don't think I should keep quiet about things that sound/feel wrong when I see them. My comments aren't attacks; they are pointings-out-of-awareness-gaps, as my own perspective understands them.

I would actually like us to be able to play-fight in a friendly way, quite honestly. But you usually seem dismissive. I'm sure I come off like that sometimes too, though. Whatever, circle of life.
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I know, violet, I've agreed with you on the rare occasion, too.

Yes, I can be dismissive, usually with things I find too silly, or self-indulgent "here's a series of pictures of me for the past 20 years" ho-hum. I can sometimes be knocked off my high horse (and laugh about it), as long as the argument is cogent.

And I don't really picture you much as a troll - you like a good scrum, though.

(and by the way, this product actually reminds me of astronauts for some reason)
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The reason there are such long lines for the womens bathroom and not for the mens is because you don't just go in there to pee. Once you finish peeing you have to pain your face and adjust yourself. So the peeing part takes quite a short time. The funny thing is the woman that are outside squirming to hold "it" in are just as selfish once they make it in. They have to stand in front of a mirror and put garish pain and other stuff on their faces before they think they look ok enough for the rest of the world to see them. Men will never understand that, and never sympathize so please quite trying to get us to. Yeah, we simply don't care. We are stupid that way. You can be the smart one's.
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I think ted needs a little transgender, abnormal, lesbian in his life. I am a woman who thinks females are attractive yet I am in a heterosexual relationship. I believed, when I was a "straight" female, that peeing standing up was a great idea, I belief that Ted is threatened by females who stand up to pee. "Oh, yes, she stands up to pee, I feel threatened!" Oh, no, Ted. Looks like you are being shown up by someone with a clitoris, I would go home and cry.
Personally, I believe a man should stand by what he has and not what he envys, but you know, thats just a bi-curious bitch who sometimes stands up to pee.

Got that, Ted?
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I don't think Ted is threatened by anyone - Sorry Ted I know you can speak for yourself and I do think you should think before you type. Your generalizations were inconsiderate at best. However, I understand your need to equate them to other devises for women that you consider useless. Not being a woman it would be hard for you to see the concerns in the same light but in the future please try - not for your sake but for ours.

I will admit that I am jealose of men being able to stand and not pee on their feet. This device was not created to help women feel like men - it was created because of situations such as unsanitary public restrooms and camping. I saw the inventer on TV talking about it years ago on some good morning broadcast. Let's face it - squatting to pee is messing business and inaccurate at best. I am certain that use of this device does not mitgate the need for tissue. Now when they solve that with the P-mate then I'll spend my precious money on it. Otherwise I think it is a cute idea that I will not buy. And if I am so inclined to need one I will cut out a piece of cardboard and make one.

Happy debating! :)
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It's funny how you accuse Ted of the same thing you are doing. You assume that because he says "Yes, this is used by lesbians and women who think they're men. Stuff like this has been around forever." that what he means is "Ted, Ted, Ted. Things (and people) that deviate from the norm are not automatically stupid or invalid." Now you tell me where his statement said anything about people deviating from the norm are automatically stupid. Seems like you are putting his comment into a certin category of people who don't agree with yours, and in doing so invalidate your original argument.
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Hi, we are the producers of the P-Mate.

@ Desere: we added a folding line in the P-Mate, so you can put it in your back pocket of your trousers, or carry it discretly in a (small) purse.

@ Ted: Yes the P-Mate is used by lesbians and women who think they're men... also. But that is just a very small percentage. Most (happy) users are between 15 and 80 years. Your ideas are from 2 centuries ago. Shame on you!
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