Police Doughnuts

Retired arson investigator and state trooper Ken Borders has opened a doughnut shop in Kentucky and named it Police Doughnuts.
"Being in police work for 32 years, it's been a standing joke that cops and doughnuts, they go hand-in-hand," he said. "I just figured that it would be a catchy name."

Borders said Police Doughnuts is meant to recall a time when officers really did hang out at doughnut shops, whereas today's police "are all into this fitness crap."

And what do the police think?
"I have two words for it: hysterical and genius," said John Keeling, a metro police patrol officer who lives in Eastwood. "I wish I had thought of it."

Louisville Assistant Chief Troy Riggs said doughnut shops once were the only places open in the middle of the night, which is why officers hung out there, establishing the stereotype.

He thinks that's outdated now, but "if it helps them do business, good for them," he said.

http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20090403/NEWS01/904030417 -via Unique Daily

Um, so when you need to signal a rescue plane, you wave S.O.S. sponges crazily in the air and wonder why you can't get help? Yeah, I can see how this could be a real hazard.
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I was thinking "Cop-Stop Donut Shop" might have been a bit more catchy, and would even solve Non's silly nonsensical argument above about people being confused about whether or not it's a police station. I am CC attribution licensing this comment, so if anyone wants that name for their donut shop, consider it yours to use, some rights reserved. hehe.
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Alex, do you have clearance to use the word "National" in a private party sentence? I'm going down to Police Doughnuts and filing a report. OF DELICIOUSNESS IN THE FIRST DEGREE.
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Years ago, when I lived for a time in Orlando, Florida, there was a hysterical name for a pizza joint, the "Orange County Pizza Department." They even had delivery vehicles with blue light on top...

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